[comp.sys.atari.st] Almost FREE tape drive!

george@electro.com (George Reimer) (05/15/91)

( This may be a repeat, but I didn't see it on the net )

I have several of these tape machines but very little 
time to work on them. I would like to give one away 
in exchange for a working interface.

I propose the deal to be :
	You send me $40
	I send you the stuff listed below
	You send me working software + cable diagrams
	I send you $40

Ongoing discussions as to functionality, problem solving 
would be expected. etc. 

Anyone interested?
Anybody want just a drive? 


Archive Sidewinder 9045

Streaming Cartridge Tape Drive

- standard 1/4" tape cartridge
- 20 megabytes formatted per tape
- up to 90kbytes/sec transfer rate

- brand new units without cases ( OEM models ) 
- approximately 4.6"x 8.7"x14"
- requires +24V @ 0.8 amp  and +5V @ 4.5amps

- hardware interfacing is via : 

  .______.              .____________
  |      | online       |           |
  |      |----------->  |           |
  |      | request      |           |
  |      |----------->  |           |
  |      |  ready       |           |
  |      |<----------   |           |
  |      |  exception   |           |
  |      |<----------   |   tape    |
  | host |              |  drive    |
  |      |<==========>  |           |
  |      | 8bit databus |           |
  |      |<==========>  |           |
  |      |              |           |
  |      | xfer         |           |
  |      |----------->  |           |
  |      |  ack         |           |
  |      |<----------   |           |
  |      |  dirc        |           |
  |      |<----------   |           |
  |      | reset        |           |
  |      |----------->  |           |
  |______|              |___________|

  - software interfacing is via an intelligent controller which accepts
  commands like :
	o  reset
	o  read status
	o  retension tape
	o  erase tape
	o  write
	o  read

- documentation includes :
	o  product discription 
	o  operational specs
	o  controller operation
	o  host interface description and design guide
	o  flow charts and timing diagrams
	o  theory of operation manual
	o  maintenance manual 
	o  trouble shooting
	o  complete schematics
	o  update notes from Archive


	    |---|---|line--upon--line---|---|---|---|---|   watmath!watcgl!electro!george  
	  |---|--building the foundations-|---|---|---|---|     george@electro.com