[comp.sys.atari.st] For Sale: Atari ST games

es2a+@andrew.cmu.edu (Eric Stuyvesant) (05/17/91)

I have two ST games I don't play much anymore, so I'd like to sell them:

*** Falcon (1.3, if I remember correctly)  F-16 Flight Simulator.

Mail Order:  $25+shipping      Your Price:  $10 including shipping

*** The Pawn  Text Adventure with a few static pictures.

Mail Order:  ???               Your Price:  $7 including shipping

-Eric Stuyvesant
es2a+@andrew.cmu.edu || es2a%andrew@CMCCVB || JNET%"es2a%andrew@CMCCVB"
al782@cleveland.Freenet.Edu || {uunet,harvard}!andrew.cmu.edu!es2a
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