[comp.sys.atari.st] More 510ST questions

Azog-Thoth@cup.portal.com (William Thomas Daugustine) (05/19/91)

Many thanx to all who answered my questions a few days ago about the

With all the info I got, I said what the hell, and payed $250 for an
520ST with colour monitor. Now I am looking for 'things' for it, and
am hoping someone can help me out here.

First off, I need some real telecom software, something where i can 
up/download stuff. I am using the VT52 emulator on the Language disk
and find I cant transfer stuff.

Some poeple pointed out there is way to add memory yourself, as long
as you can handle a soldering iron. Ive been an electronics tech for
about 4 years now, and I can hold my own with an iron :-) Can someone
give me some more info? From the sounds of it, Ill probably just pull
out some 64k RAM chips and replace them with 256k ones... I havent
yet pulled apart the machine to verify this (next on the bill for 

Can someone supply me with info on a second floppy? Someone had mailed
me info on a company that sells hard drives, but I deleted the mail :-(
I am looking at a pin out for the external floppy port, but I dont see
a power line, so I guess the external box needs its own power supply.
And on floppy disks, bricks on the single sided drive! Any way to get
double sided?

And finally, bricks on the keyboard! I am spoiled by the DEC LK201 
keyboard (VT320... some people dont consider this a nice keyboard, 
but I do). Any way to get a new keyboard, one that feels a little 
more realistic? 

Many thanx

Billy D'Augustine