[comp.sys.atari.st] Probs with RCS5AP1

Mick_Schmidt@hb.maus.de (Mick Schmidt) (05/23/91)

Why me! ;-)

Why do I have have problems with almost every gnu program?

gcc doesn't want to find the standard include files although GCCINC and GCCLIB
are properly set and now I want to use RCS and it doesn't work either.

When use ci for the first time everything works great, the file is checked in
(into the ,v file in the RCS folder) and deleted. The co works also, but when I
change the file now and want to check the new revision in ci aborts with an
diff error. This behaviour I get under TOS and MinT, but when using MinT the
error msg is more specific, it seems that the output form diff is not what ci
expects, because what diff says only that the two input files (filexx and
e:\tmp\xxxxx) differ. The same result that I get, when I call diff with only
two filenames, but without any other parameters (like -ae, etc.).

So what am I doing wrong this time?
I've all the rcs binaries in my bin folder which is in my PATH, also I have
USER and TMP properly set (TMP without a trailing backslash) and PWD isn't set
at all.

Any ideas? somebody? The class? ... ;-)

G'Day Mick
Michael Schmidt       | Mausnet: Mick Schmidt @ HB             | Hear me now
Kopenhagener Str. 145 | Fido   : Mick Schmidt%Maus HB (242/2.6)| and believe
2820 Bremen 77        | Usenet : Mick_Schmidt@hb.maus.de       | me later!
Germany               | (UUCP)   bsp3@informatik.uni-Bremen.de | (Hans
Tel. +49 421 63 52 70 | BITNET : G16M @ DHBRRZ41               |       & Franz)

klamer@mi.eltn.utwente.nl (Klamer Schutte) (05/27/91)

My problems with RCS went away the moment that the first diff.ttp in the
PATH was the gnu-diff. Another diff (private one, written years ago) didn't
really like the gnudiff command line arguments...

To check this out, make . the first entry in PATH. Have the gnu diff.ttp
in . as well. When this works, the problem is in your diff.


PS You did pick up Allen Pratt's gnu diff as well didn't you???
Klamer Schutte			Tel: +31-53-892786	Fax: +31-53-340045
Faculty of electrical engineering -- University of Twente, The Netherlands
preferred: klamer@mi.eltn.utwente.nl   SMTP: klamer@utelmi01.el.utwente.nl