[comp.sys.atari.st] gcc.ttp missing from gcc139b.zoo at a.a.u.e?

millert@tramp.colorado.edu (MILLER TODD C) (05/27/91)

Just downloded gcc139b.zoo from atari.archive, but gcc.ttp seems to be missing.
I did find a gcc.ttp in the gcc139.lzh archive in gnustuff/atari directory, but
the date is fevruary 3, is this the same version.  If not can someone send me
the current gcc.ttp?

thanks in advance,
Todd C. Miller                    | "But all the politiCIAns now
millert@tramp.Colorado.EDU        |  They have no excuse
al804@cleveland.Freenet.Edu       |  They just hide behind their power
University of Colorado @ Boulder  |  And keep us from the truth" - Roger McGuinn