[comp.sys.atari.st] ATARI TT030 versus AT 386/33 MHz and 64KB Cache

rdjeline@faui09.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Richard Jelinek) (06/03/91)

Hi all there !

I own an TT030/4 and I was very interested in the position of this
machine in the computer-scene. A very good chance to find out, was
the best friend's purchase of an AT (see above). He got the
machine in pieces as an dealer for the price of 4200 DM.
That's what the MESS-DOS has:
* 1024 x 768 / 256 colors VGA
* 120 MB AT-Bus HD
* 386/33Mhz & 64 KB Cache
* 4 MEG of RAM
* DOS 4.x

The technical Data of an TT should be known in this Group.

OK here is the final truth:

SUBJECT:                     TT-DATA:              AT-DATA:
Drystones                   4885/7865(TT-Ram)      9811
Whetstones                  (no test-Programm)     170.1

Let's make an Stop here and look at this: The Drystone-Programm
that we did run on the TT was written for the ST and did not use
the special 68030 commands. The MESS-DOS has no FPU, so that
point should be no problem.

The next tests were little GFA-BASIC(!!) Programms.
On the TT 3.6(TT) was used.
On the AT 4.3(MS-DOS).

First Programm: (all programms were run uncompiled. 
compiled all values would be factor 2 to 5 perhaps even more
faster ...)
1 Million INT-ADDS             20/12 sec.(TT-Ram)    5.1 sec !!
10.000 TANGENS                 0.805 sec             9.4 sec
10.000 SINUS                   0.667 sec             5.8 sec

GEM-Graphics (VDI)TT has NVDI  12 sec                27 sec
GEM-Graphics (AES)             3  sec                8  sec

From the TANGENS computing to the AES test you can divide
 the time by 1.6 if you
wish to know the TT-time in the Fast-Ram.

After 3 hours of testing and heavily exchanging opinions about the
machines (he HAS 120 MB HD <-> i HAVE 512 KB ROM and better Sound)
and so on, we stopped and played Eye of the Beholder on his AT.
At 2 o'clock in the morning, when he went home, we decided, that
both Machines are very very good (I think my is a little little bit

By the way: we did the same test one year ago with the ST and an
10/12 Mhz 286. The result was the same. (The AT had AdLib Sound).

That's all !!

All TT-Users are welcome and I hope some want to contact me.

Bob_BobR_Retelle@cup.portal.com (06/04/91)

Just one question regarding the TT/AT comparison testing...
Why didn't you play Eye of the Beholder on your TT..?