[comp.sys.atari.st] ps files

csw93@seq1.keele.ac.uk (A.S. Turnbull) (06/06/91)

Does anyone know of a way to convert a picture format (Degas for
example) to postscript format? I have looked through atari.archive but
have found nothing. Perhaps I'm missing it, but could someone point out
where I can get hold of something like this please? Thanks for any help
you can give.


email: csw93@uk.ac.kl.seq1
        ____  ____  ____                    ____  ____         ____  ____
       /___/ /___    /                     /     /___  /   /  /___/   __/
      /   / ____/   /                     /___  ____/ /_/_/      /  ___/