[net.wanted] Wanted: Submissions for "fortune"

arnold@ucsfcgl.UUCP (Ken Arnold%CGL) (05/06/86)

(The following comments assume you have a 4.x fortune program in
/usr/games.  If you don't, you are still welcome to participate.)

For years you have been reading the output of /usr/games/fortune,
watching while others contributed for you.  Now your public fortune
program needs *you*.  It is time for you to do your part, by
contributing to the fortune database.  To help people get into the
mood, I am hereby announcing

		The "Give Away A Fortune" Contest

Open to young and old alike (you need not be 18 or older to enter; in
fact, a mentality of a two year old is said to help), I will be
awarding prizes in the following categories:

	(1) Most fortunes accepted (scene & obscene)*
	(2) Best single fortune accepted (not serious) (scene & obscene)
	(3) Best single fortune accepted (serious) (scene & obscene)

(*) The distinction is that "scene" fortunes are those which are not
likely to offend anyone (the normal fortunes), and the "obscene" are
those which may offend people (the "-o" fortunes), not necessarily due
to language or sexual content, but also politics and religion.  My
tolerance for limericks is quite limited, however.  I expect something
out of the ordinary for this overused form of sexual folklore.

All decisions of the judges (just me, actually, but I always wanted to
use the judgmental (as opposed to editorial) "we") are arbitrary,
capricious and final.  If you want to see the kinds of things that have
made it in the past, just run fortune.  Most fortunes are designed to
be clever and witty, or sometimes just bizarre, and some make a point
while they're at it.  A few (very few) serious ones get in just to
avoid consistency, and to make some useful point.

All quotes from somebody (especially those covered by copyright) should
be properly attributed.  This keeps everyone happy and out of trouble
with the law, where everyone approximately = me.  Submissions should be
by electronic mail to


or the address that comes with this letter

Winners will be announced around the end of June (to give everyone lots
of time).  All winners will get a signed, printed copy of the fortune
database (with their fortune(s) installed), and an official "I Gave
Away A Fortune and All I Got Was This Cruddy 5 Cent Screw" 5 cent
screw, replete with certificate.  To facilitate this, please send a
mailing address along with your submissions.  If you don't want your
real name used in the announcement of winners, tell me what you do want

No guns or bombs, please.  Loud noises scare us.

		Ken Arnold, "The Mad Philosopher"

N.B.: Submissions from "randchar" will not be accepted.

P.S.  For net.jokes people, the alleged humor in this article is,
itself, supposed to pass for enough to qualify for net.jokes.  If you
don't think so, the following joke will have to do, though I find it
*extremely* offensive myself, and so it is rotated (so I am not
intersted in any complaints):

	Jung'f terra naq fvgf bhg va gur enva?

	Cnggl B'Sheavgher!