[comp.sys.atari.st] MiNT Minix filesystem problems ...

olorin@tardis.computer-science.edinburgh.ac.uk (06/09/91)

Will anyone who has been experiencing problems with the minix filesystem
for MiNT 0.8 please mail me full info , this site has been known to miss
the occasional post or two,so mailing me is the only sure way to let me
know , so that any problems can be fixed.
	By 'problem' I mean anything no matter how trivial , I am
particularly interested in anything that makes 'fsck' complain , non
recognition of minix partitions , disk-change problems , logical
partition problems (this should be OK now unless the minix partition
uses >1K sectors or any partition has >8K logical sectors).
	I have not succeded in making fsck complain with my setup , ICD
drive and STE with TOS 1.6 , if you find a way then please tell me ,
1. What commands caused the problem .
2. What fsck reports (that is minix fsck not a TOS version!!!).
3. Any debugging output (if possible).
4. Your hardware , that is drive and driver software type and version of TOS.
5. Any other info you think may be useful.

	Any other kinds of comments are welcomed , such as patches ,
suggestions and flames (if you must ) . 

P.S. May I reiterate the comments in the docs , don't try using 
minix partitions unless you are sure you know what you are doing. If you
think its a good idea to run TOS filesystem consistency checkers on
minix partitions then you *don't* know what you are doing :-)

* Please send any replys to :                              *
* olorin%tardis.cs.ed.ac.uk%ukacrl@any_non_uk_bitnet_site  *
* olorin%tardis.cs.ed.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu                *
* Do not mail via ukc.ac.uk which is sometimes the default *