[comp.sys.atari.st] ECOLOGY program: help!

doucet@laas.fr (Jean Etienne Doucet) (06/17/91)

I  recently downloaded from a.a something called ECOLOGY.LZH,
and unlzh'ed it, giving:
      55919 Nov 20  1985 eco.prg
      32512 Nov 20  1985 ecoad.art
      32512 Nov 20  1985 ecogene.art
      32512 Nov 20  1985 ecoload.art
      32512 Nov 20  1985 ecomain.art
      32512 Oct 26  1990 ecotext.art
      32512 Oct 26  1990 ecoworld.art
Once installed on the 1040, I ran ECO.PRG :
a nice panel with quotation from Ch. Darwin
appears, together with a joyful music.

After some minutes have passed, nothing else happens but
the music which continues...

I tried mouse buttons and keyboard keys
(with or without Ctl / Shft / Alt)
and still nothing new...

Has anybody tried this program out and got an idea 
about making it go further ?
Maybe I'm not patient enough ?

=   Jean-Etienne Doucet   =     doucet@laas.laas.fr               =
=       LAAS - CNRS       ======================================= =
=    Toulouse,  France    =     this space is NOT left blank...   =