[comp.sys.atari.st] Is musedt.lzh corrupted?

bright@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Bob Bright) (06/18/91)

I retrieved music/musedt.lzh from atari.archive last night and tried
to convert it to an arc before downloading it, but lharc aborted with
CRC errors?  Does anyone know if the .lzh is corrupted?  Or is this
just another in the long line of lharc version incompatibility
problems?  If the latter, does anyone know which version of lharc
might extract the sucker?  (I'm using "C-LHarc for UNIX Version 1.00.1
(C) 1989-1990 Y.Tagawa, Kai Uwe Rommel".  Is there a more recent
version for unix systems?)

Thanks alot for any help,

(To all the progenitors of lharc and .lzh files: I hope you die a
thousand miserable deaths, choking forever on the few megs of disk
space you've managed to save the world at the expense of countless
hours of frustration and wasted time and net bandwidth.)
Bob Bright <bright@ccu.umanitoba.ca>
Dept. of Philosophy
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Man  R3T 2N2  (204) 474-9105