[comp.sys.atari.st] Atari Mega-2 ST System For Sale

crouland@gmuvax2.gmu.edu (JanxSter) (06/19/91)

For Sale: Full Atari Mega-2 ST Developers System
$$   Hardware:
$650      Mega-2 CPU
$200      SupraDrive 30 Meg Drive (30 Meg in 20mg case)
$175      SC1224 Colour Monitor
$100      SM124  Monochrome Monitor
$20       Monitor Master
$100      Star NX-10 Printer
(w/cpu)   Golden Image Hi-Res Mouse
$50       Navarrone ST Sound Digitizer
$50       IMG Scan Print-Head Optical Scanner
$35       Prospero Developers Toolkit
$60       Prospero C
$60       Prospero Fortran
$60       Prospero Pascal
$35       Mark Williams C
$35       Neural Network Construction Set
$35       GFA Basic 3.0
$35       TimeWorks DTP
$35       TimeWorks SwiftCalc
$5        1ST Word Plus
$35       CAD 3D 2.0 w/ CyberMate and Architect Design Disk
$10       Flash
$10       Shadow
$15       Circuit Maker I
$25       Circuit Maker II
$5        Captain Fizz 
$5        Chrono Quest
$5        The King of Chicago
$5        TV Sports Football
$5        Star Trek (The Rebel Universe)
$5        Red Storm Rising
          Large PD Library
$35       STart Collection 1986-1991 w/ disks
$5        Introducing the Atari ST (Abacus, #1)
$5        Atari ST Internals (Abacus, #2)
$5        Atari ST Gem Programmers Reference (Abacus, #3)
$5        Atari ST Machine Language (Abacus, #4)
$5        Atari ST Tricks and Tips (Abacus, #5 (2 copies!))
$5        Atari ST Graphics and Sound (Abacus, #6)
$5        Atari ST Peeks and Pokes (Abacus, #8)
$5        Atari ST Basic to C (Abacus, #11)
$5        Atari ST 3D Graphics (Abacus, #12)
$5        ST Disk Drives: Inside and Out (Abacus, #13)
$20       Compute! ST series V1-3 (AES,VDI,TOS)
$5        Atari ST Applications Programming (Bantam)
$5        Programmers Guide to GEM (Sybex)
$10       C-Manship Complete (Clayton Walnum, ST Specific)
(w/cpu)   Atari ST Developers Guides:
               GEM Programmers Guide V1. VDI
               GEM Programmers Guide V2. AES
               A Hitchhikers guide to the BIOS
               Engineering Hardware Specifications
               Rainbow TOS Release Notes
               MIDI Specifications 1.0
Please make all offers/inquiries to crouland@gmuvax2.gmu.edu