[comp.sys.atari.st] keyboard extender

jvl@idca.tds.philips.nl (Jan van Loenen) (06/21/91)

In article <CMM.> larserio@ifi.uio.no writes:
>[stuff deleted]
>>- To get a character NOT on the keyboard, hold down [ALT],
>>  type in ASCII-number (decimal) on num-pad, release [ALT]
>Lars: could you release an autofolder prog that does only the ALT-ascii
>number feature as described above. I've just got a normal 1040 st and
>i'm not sure what the other features of your program would do (ie: i cannot
>change the clock speed - would it crash the 1040ST??)
>the other feature is present on PC's and is something i wish the ST ALWAYS
>had in it's roms!

I have a little auto folder program which converts the keyboard handling in
three ways:

1. You can get any ascii character by holding down the {ALT} key and
   typing the ascii number decimal on the numerical key pad.

2. The shift keys will toggle case now i.s.o. converting to uppercase.

3. The possibility to use 'dead keys' like on the old typewriters: you
   can type accents without moving the print head, and type a character
   over the accent. For instance, to produce the {e'} character, you
   just type {ALT}' followed by the e character.
   The program is able to handle the following 'accents':
   '   `   ^   , (to produce {c,})   / ({o/})   "   and    ~ ({n~})

I've got the program from the Dutch BBS "Dutchman", and use it for two
years know with TOS 1.0 and TOS 1.4 without any problems. I don't
know about STE and TT however.

# DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own  #
#                                                                             #
#  Jan van Loenen                         Internet   jvl@idca.tds.philips.nl  #
#  Philips Information Systems            UUCP       ....!mcvax!philapd!jvl   #

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