[comp.sys.atari.st] Atari.archive monthly posting

weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Jeff Weiner) (12/06/90)

			Welcome to atari.archive.umich.edu

This is the monthly posting from the umich atari posse. We hope
it will answer some of those nagging questions that always seem to pop up
from time to time. If you have any additional suggestions, please mail
them to me, at weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu.

1: How do I use BART?
   Bart (Brode's Archive Retrival Thang) is our mail server. You can get
   his help file simply by asking for it. Mail atari@atari.archive.umich.edu,
   and type the word help in the body of the message. Further questions about
   BART can be mailed to jon@atari.archive.umich.edu, NOT me.

2: How can I connect via FTP?
   Well, we HAD a help file, but it was destroyed in the great AA crash and
   I haven't yet had a chance to replace it. If you're interested in it,
   please mail me and I'll rewrite it. 

3: What if my machine doesn't support name service?
   Two things to do here:1) Demand that your sys-admin install it soon,
   and 2) use the internet address

4: I can't download because my hard drive doesn't work and my modem goes
   out sometimes and .....HELP!!!
   Sorry, outside of the archive I really can't help you....Your best bet is
   to find someone at your site with a similar set-up, or post to c.s.a.st
   for advice.
5: Excuse me, but your index sucks.....
   I know, I know. I am working on it. Really. It's kinda tedious to index
   148 megs of stuff. Please bear with me. The ls -lR index is updated about
   two times a week, usually on Tuesdays and Sundays.
6: Oftentimes when I'm transferring files, I'll lose my ftp link and get a
   host not responding error. What's going on?
   Our regional host network called Merit (the name doesn't reflect anything)
   oftentimes gets flaky. It's been that way lately, so please bear with us
   It happens to us too.

There are a few files that you will find necessary to continued archive 
usage, namely:

archivers/arc602.arc   : The latest version of arc
archivers/zoo.arc      : The classic archive program
archivers/compress.zoo : Useful for removing .Z from sounds and binaries
archivers/unlzh11.arc  : Unpacks .lzh files

Some of the latest uploads:
README          dlxpaint.lzh    lha121.lzh      rtvmse.lzh      stno_103.lzh
artpak.tos      dmeditor.arc    mandltoy.arc    sfx_lzh.lzh     term4.lzh
artst232.lzh    driveoff.lzh    megaform.lzh    sheet_20.lzh    topdown.lzh
bit36_e.lzh     dterm_1.lzh     memfile.lzh     shredder.lzh    unisbgcc.zoo
calculat.lzh    fujidesk.lzh    miditalk.arc    smeister.arc    unitmacs.lzh
canvasdm.lzh    gimmicks.lzh    nx1000.lzh      speak_ez.lzh    unix2dos.lzh
cooltetris.arc  hacman2.lzh     parkhd.lzh      st_whiz.lzh     unixmode.lzh
dcfmt302.lzh    ke22.lzh        quickgif.lzh    stkr_206.lzh    ymg125.lzh

All of which may still be located in the newitems directory.
Thanks to everyone who has uploaded anything lately.....

PLEASE NOTE: FTP and BART service are a privelege, not a right! Please make 
a supreme effort to keep heavy FTP and BART use in off-time hours (i.e. after
5 pm EST but before 8 am EST), especially FTP use.

THIS JUST IN: In an ever un-ending attempt to support atari users everywhere,
Scott Wood has recently added a new portfolio directory. Please send suggestions
comments, or uploads to him at swood@atari.archive.umich.edu.

Any ideas, questions, comments, etc. to me,

weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu		Shakey Jake in '92!! Run Jake, Run!!!
"Run foolish pedestrians "  - Max just before Sam ran into Mom and Pop's
corner store and saved the world from the threat of eating processed cheese 

weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Jeff Weiner) (01/28/91)

			Welcome to atari.archive.umich.edu

This is the monthly posting from the umich atari posse. We hope
it will answer some of those nagging questions that always seem to pop up
from time to time. If you have any additional suggestions, please mail
them to me, at weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu.

1: How do I use BART?
   Bart (Brode's Archive Retrival Thang) is our mail server. You can get
   his help file simply by asking for it. Mail atari@atari.archive.umich.edu,
   and type the word help in the body of the message. Further questions about
   BART can be mailed to jon@atari.archive.umich.edu, NOT me.

2: How can I connect via FTP?
   Well, we HAD a help file, but it was destroyed in the great AA crash and
   I haven't yet had a chance to replace it. If you're interested in it,
   please mail me and I'll rewrite it. 

3: What if my machine doesn't support name service?
   Two things to do here:1) Demand that your sys-admin install it soon,
   and 2) use the internet address

4: I can't download because my hard drive doesn't work and my modem goes
   out sometimes and .....HELP!!!
   Sorry, outside of the archive I really can't help you....Your best bet is
   to find someone at your site with a similar set-up, or post to c.s.a.st
   for advice.
5: Excuse me, but your index sucks.....
   I know, I know. I am working on it. Really. It's kinda tedious to index
   169 megs of stuff. Please bear with me. The ls -lR index is updated about
   two times a week, usually on Tuesdays and Sundays.
6: When I try to FTP to the archive's host, I get a message saying that my
   machine wasn't recognized and I wasn't allowed to log in. What's up?
   We only accept ftp logins from recognized hosts.  If you are not allowed
   to log in, please try again.  It is possible that the DNS took a bit too
   long.  If you are still denied access, ask your sys-admin to fix your 
   name servers.

7: Lately, there's been quite a bit of talk about lharc.  What do you guys
   think about it?
   I like it, and will and will continue to use.  It uses less
   disk space (which is a major concern here) and seems to extract faster
   than arc or zoo.  There isn't much more to say about it, other than
   we like it, and we will continue to use it along with arc, zoo, and tar.Z
   (One quick note,  we will not support .zip.  There is no known unix
   sources, and thus I cannot verify the integrity of files archived in
   that format.  Thanks!)

There are a few files you'll really like to have:

archivers/arc602.arc   : The latest version of arc
archivers/zoo.arc      : The classic archive program
archivers/compress.zoo : Useful for removing .Z from sounds and binaries
archivers/unlzh11.arc  : Unpacks .lzh files
archivers/sttar.arc    : Removes those nasty .tar extenders

Thanks to everyone who has uploaded anything lately.....

JUST ADDED: ~atari/emulators: A directory specifically for emulators and
emulator specific utilities.  Please take note of this and upload your
favorite atari/spectre/PD util.

PLEASE NOTE: FTP and BART service are a privelege, not a right! Please make 
a supreme effort to keep heavy FTP and BART use in off-time hours (i.e. after
5 pm EST but before 8 am EST), especially FTP use.

Any ideas, questions, comments, etc. to me,

Jeff Weiner	weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu	Jeff_Weiner@ub.cc.umich.edu
"Out of  the way lady! RUN! Run for safety, foolish pedestrians!" -Sam and Max
Atari.archive.umich.edu Co-Caretaker  167M and climbin' 

weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Jeff Weiner) (02/27/91)

			Welcome to atari.archive.umich.edu

This is the monthly posting from the umich atari posse. We hope
it will answer some of those nagging questions that always seem to pop up
from time to time. If you have any additional suggestions, please mail
them to me, at weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu.

1: How do I use BART?
   Well, you can't anymore.  At least for the time being.  If you have
   any great mailer-quota schemes, please mail jon@atari.archive.umich.edu
   and let him know.

2: How can I connect via FTP?
   Well, we HAD a help file, but it was destroyed in the great AA crash and
   I haven't yet had a chance to replace it. If you're interested in it,
   please mail me and I'll rewrite it. 

3: What if my machine doesn't support name service?
   Two things to do here:1) Demand that your sys-admin install it soon,
   and 2) use the internet address

4: I can't download because my hard drive doesn't work and my modem goes
   out sometimes and .....HELP!!!
   Sorry, outside of the archive I really can't help you....Your best bet is
   to find someone at your site with a similar set-up, or post to c.s.a.st
   for advice.
5: HEY!  Your index is much better than it used to be!!!
   HEY! I know!  We've added text descriptions and a whole lot more!  To top
   that off, the index will now be updated instantaneously.  No more waiting
   for me to get off my butt and do it....But, keep in mind, it's still in
   the creation process, and will be a bit wierd from time to time.

6: When I try to FTP to the archive's host, I get a message saying that my
   machine wasn't recognized and I wasn't allowed to log in. What's up?
   We only accept ftp logins from recognized hosts.  If you are not allowed
   to log in, please try again.  It is possible that the DNS took a bit too
   long.  If you are still denied access, ask your sys-admin to fix your 
   name servers.

7: Ok, the index is better, but I can't find a thing in ~atari/utilities.
   What's up there?
   I'm in the process of reorganizing this directory.  It just got a 
   bit to big and out of control to be really useful.  I should be done
   with it by the 2nd week of March.

There are a few files you'll really like to have:

archivers/arc602.arc   : The latest version of arc
archivers/zoo.arc      : The classic archive program
archivers/compress.zoo : Useful for removing .Z from sounds and binaries
archivers/unlzh11.arc  : Unpacks .lzh files
archivers/sttar.arc    : Removes those nasty .tar extenders

Thanks to everyone who has uploaded anything lately.....

JUST ADDED: ~atari/spcpics - An entire directory devoted to the greatest
spectrum pictures ever.  All of this courtesy of Franciso DeJesus and
those fabulous folks at atari.archive.

ALSO JUST ADDED: ~atari/games/tads - A subdirectory devoted to games created
with tads (Text Adventure Development System).  Write a game
and then upload it! Only here at a.a.u.e.

PLEASE NOTE: FTP service is a privelege, not a right! Please make 
a supreme effort to keep heavy FTP use in off-time hours (i.e. after
5 pm EST but before 8 am EST).

Any ideas, questions, comments, etc. to me,

Jeff Weiner    	weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu	     Jeff_Weiner@ub.cc.umich.edu
If anyone has any ideas what I should do after graduation, please tell me!
Atari.archive.umich.edu Caretaker||181M and climbin'|| "So like take off eh?" 

weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Jeff Weiner) (04/24/91)

			Welcome to atari.archive.umich.edu

This is the monthly posting from the umich atari posse. We hope
it will answer some of those nagging questions that always seem to pop up
from time to time. If you have any additional suggestions, please mail
them to me, at weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu.

1: How do I use BART?
   Now that BART is back on-line again, you can get bart help by mailing
   atari@atari.archive.umich.edu and include the word 'help' in the body of
   the message. This doesn't mean you have to send mail Jon or I.  

2: How can I connect via FTP?
   If you are interested in ftp, I recently wrote a beginner's guide.  Please
   mail me and I will send you a copy.  I'll post it every once in a while too.

3: What if my machine doesn't support name service?
   Two things to do here:1) Demand that your sys-admin install it soon,
   and 2) use the internet address

4: I can't download because my hard drive doesn't work and my modem goes
   out sometimes and .....HELP!!!
   Sorry, outside of the archive I really can't help you....Your best bet is
   to find someone at your site with a similar set-up, or post to c.s.a.st
   for advice.
5: HEY!  Your index is much better than it used to be!!!
   HEY! I know!  We've added text descriptions and a whole lot more!  To top
   that off, the index will now be updated instantaneously.  No more waiting
   for me to get off my butt and do it.... If you have noticed any errors,
   or have any suggestions or descriptions of files
   please mail them to me!!

6: When I try to FTP to the archive's host, I get a message saying that my
   machine wasn't recognized and I wasn't allowed to log in. What's up?
   We only accept ftp logins from recognized hosts.  If you are not allowed
   to log in, please try again.  It is possible that the DNS took a bit too
   long.  If you are still denied access, ask your sys-admin to fix your 
   name servers.

7: Ok, the index is better, but I can't find a thing in ~atari/utilities.
   What's up there?
   I'm in the process of reorganizing this directory.  It just got a 
   bit too big and out of control to be really useful.  I should be done
   with it by the end of the century. 

8: Here's a question for you Jeff, how come I can't use 'ftp terminator.cc.etc'
   any more to connect? 
   That's because you're not using atari.archive.umich.edu like we told you 
   to.  In the near future, terminator.cc.umich.edu will change it's name. 
   Don't say we didn't warn you.......
There are a few files you'll really like to have:

archivers/arc602.arc   : The latest version of arc
archivers/zoo.arc      : The classic archive program
archivers/compress.zoo : Useful for removing .Z from sounds and binaries
archivers/unlzh11.arc  : Unpacks .lzh files
archivers/sttar.arc    : Removes those nasty .tar extenders

Thanks to everyone who has uploaded anything lately.....

Two things to note this month:  
1) We just got a whole bunch of new gnustuff from Jwahar Bammi. 
Speed Reader from the Great Space Coaster says, "Check it out!"

2) Scott Wood, our man with the portfolio, says, "YES! We are accepting 
portfolio uploads. YES! I have spent tons of cash trying to get
stuff from GEnie."  Please upload some stuff, portfolio users, and 
then drop Scoot a line at swood@atari.archive.umich.edu

Common Error for the month of April:  BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPELLING!!!

The Umich Atari Posse says, " See you all in Windsor on May 4-5"

PLEASE NOTE: FTP service is a privelege, not a right! Please make 
a supreme effort to keep heavy FTP use in off-time hours (i.e. after
5 pm EST but before 8 am EST).

Any ideas, questions, comments, etc. to me,

Jeff Weiner    	weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu	     Jeff_Weiner@ub.cc.umich.edu
    Mail Dennis_Devine@ub.cc.umich.edu and ask if he'd like to be the pope 
Atari.archive.umich.edu Caretaker||194M and climbin'|| "So like take off eh?" 

weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Jeff Weiner) (05/23/91)

			Welcome to atari.archive.umich.edu

This is the monthly posting from the umich atari posse. We hope
it will answer some of those nagging questions that always seem to pop up
from time to time. If you have any additional suggestions, please mail
them to me, at weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu.

1: How do I use BART?
   Now that BART is back on-line again, you can get bart help by mailing
   atari@atari.archive.umich.edu and include the word 'help' in the body of
   the message. This doesn't mean you have to send mail Jon or I.  

2: How can I connect via FTP?
   If you are interested in ftp, I recently wrote a beginner's guide.  Please
   mail me and I will send you a copy.  I'll post it every once in a while too.

3: What if my machine doesn't support name service?
   Two things to do here:1) Demand that your sys-admin install it soon,
   and 2) use the internet address

4: I can't download because my hard drive doesn't work and my modem goes
   out sometimes and .....HELP!!!
   Sorry, outside of the archive I really can't help you....Your best bet is
   to find someone at your site with a similar set-up, or post to c.s.a.st
   for advice.
5: HEY!  Your index is much better than it used to be!!!
   HEY! I know!  We've added text descriptions and a whole lot more!  To top
   that off, the index will now be updated instantaneously.  No more waiting
   for me to get off my butt and do it.... If you have noticed any errors,
   or have any suggestions or descriptions of files
   please mail them to me!!

6: When I try to FTP to the archive's host, I get a message saying that my
   machine wasn't recognized and I wasn't allowed to log in. What's up?
   We only accept ftp logins from recognized hosts.  If you are not allowed
   to log in, please try again.  It is possible that the DNS took a bit too
   long.  If you are still denied access, ask your sys-admin to fix your 
   name servers.

7: Here's a question for you Jeff, how come I can't use 'ftp terminator.cc.etc'
   any more to connect? 
   That's because you're not using atari.archive.umich.edu like we told you 
   to.  In the near future, terminator.cc.umich.edu will change it's name. 
   Don't say we didn't warn you.......
There are a few files you'll really like to have:

archivers/arc602.arc   : The latest version of arc
archivers/zoo.arc      : The classic archive program
archivers/compress.zoo : Useful for removing .Z from sounds and binaries
archivers/unlzh11.arc  : Unpacks .lzh files
archivers/sttar.arc    : Removes those nasty .tar extenders

Thanks to everyone who has uploaded anything lately.....

Interesting things this month:  
1. We will be posting the New0 fiel every week now.  Hope you all love
this.  This should eliminate the need to ftp overseas to check for new stuff.

2. I also put up a ls-lR.Z version of the index for anyone who wants it.
This will be updated periodically.

Common Error for the month of May:  BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPELLING!!!

PLEASE NOTE: FTP service is a privelege, not a right! Please make 
a supreme effort to keep heavy FTP use in off-time hours (i.e. after
5 pm EST but before 8 am EST).

Any ideas, questions, comments, etc. to me,

Jeff Weiner  --- weiner@{{sklyab,felix}.engin, atari.archive}.umich.edu

ajw@watson (Alan Waldock) (05/23/91)

In article <1991May23.110550.23902@terminator.cc.umich.edu> weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Jeff Weiner) writes:

>Common Error for the month of May:  BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPELLING!!!

>PLEASE NOTE: FTP service is a privelege, not a right! Please make...

Ahem!  :-)

(Thanks for this great service, BTW)

-- Alan Waldock, from but not on behalf of Intel Corporation
   ajw@watson.hf.intel.com       ...uunet!intelhf!watson!ajw

weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Jeff Weiner) (06/24/91)

			Welcome to atari.archive.umich.edu

This is the monthly posting from the umich atari posse. We hope
it will answer some of those nagging questions that always seem to pop up
from time to time. If you have any additional suggestions, please mail
them to me, at weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu.

1: How do I use BART?
   Now that BART is back on-line again, you can get bart help by mailing
   atari@atari.archive.umich.edu and include the word 'help' in the body of
   the message. This doesn't mean you have to send mail Jon or I.  

2: How can I connect via FTP?
   If you are interested in ftp, I recently wrote a beginner's guide.  Please
   mail me and I will send you a copy.  I'll post it every once in a while too.

3: What if my machine doesn't support name service?
   Two things to do here:1) Demand that your sys-admin install it soon,
   and 2) use the internet address

4: I can't download because my hard drive doesn't work and my modem goes
   out sometimes and .....HELP!!!
   Sorry, outside of the archive I really can't help you....Your best bet is
   to find someone at your site with a similar set-up, or post to c.s.a.st
   for advice.
5: What are all the ???s in your index?
   The ??? symbol means that I have no clue what this file is.  If you know
   please drop me a note, but be sure to include what directory the file 
   is in, etc.  Thanks.

6: When I try to FTP to the archive's host, I get a message saying that my
   machine wasn't recognized and I wasn't allowed to log in. What's up?
   We only accept ftp logins from recognized hosts.  If you are not allowed
   to log in, please try again.  It is possible that the DNS took a bit too
   long.  If you are still denied access, ask your sys-admin to fix your 
   name servers.

7: Here's a question for you Jeff, how come I can't use 'ftp terminator.cc.etc'
   any more to connect? 
   That's because you're not using atari.archive.umich.edu like we told you 
   to.  In the near future, terminator.cc.umich.edu will change it's name. 
   Don't say we didn't warn you.......
There are a few files you'll really like to have:

archivers/arc602.arc   : The latest version of arc
archivers/zoo.arc      : The classic archive program
archivers/compress.zoo : Useful for removing .Z from sounds and binaries
archivers/unlzh11.arc  : Unpacks .lzh files
archivers/sttar.arc    : Removes those nasty .tar extenders

Thanks to everyone who has uploaded anything lately.....

Interesting things this month:  

1. Graham Higgins just re-did the gnustuff directory, so have a ball with 
   it.  If you get the chance, tell him how much you love it.

2. I've been working on the applications directory, and it should be
   done soon.  I hope things are easier to find?

3. Anyone interested in having an IRC conference to talk about the 
   archive and any things they'd like to see, please mail me.

Common Error for the month of June: Bart will send files over 400k, but
you must request them by parts.  

PLEASE NOTE: FTP service is a privelege, not a right! Please make 
a supreme effort to keep heavy FTP use in off-time hours (i.e. after
5 pm EST but before 8 am EST), or else you will be shot.  (We mean it).

Any ideas, questions, comments, etc. to me,

Jeff Weiner  --- weiner@{engin, atari.archive}.umich.edu