[comp.sys.atari.st] What do I need to use gcc/g++

hvaalde@cs.vu.nl (Aalderen van Harold) (06/24/91)

I want to install the gcc, g++ binaries on my atari but I am a bit
confused what programs I need. When I look at the gnustuff at a.a
I will find archives with names in it that cannot be used in a Atari
with TOS file system (to long, to many points in it)

So could anyone tell me how to setup my system so I can use the gnustuff
and what files to download from a.a?
I have a 1040STf with TOS 1.0, 1 Mb and enough diskspace or
a Mega 4 with TOS 1.4 and enough diskspace

I do not want to have the sources just the binaries

Harold van Aalderen (hvaalde@cs.vu.nl)

P.S. does anyone now an other C++ compiler for the atari ST?