[comp.sys.atari.st] Help -- locked out of hard disk

peter@geog.ubc.ca (Peter Jackson) (06/29/91)

Help! I made some changes to the programs I load at start-up, the result
of which is a machine that just hangs. No problem, right? I can turn off
my hard disk, boot from floppy, start up the hd and then run icdboot.prg.
(this has always worked before) However when I try this icdboot.prg gives
a tos error #35 whenever it is run after the hd is turned on. (I can run
icdboot.prg with the hd turned off - no tos error #35, however the hd of
course isn't installed)

Does anyone know why turning on the hd will result in tos error #35 with
icdboot.prg? Anyone have any suggestions?
Peter L. Jackson               | peter@geog.ubc.ca  
Atmospheric Science Programme  | pjackson@unixg.ubc.ca
Department of Geography        | usermeso@ubcmtsg.bitnet
University of British Columbia | ph:(604)822-2269 fax:(604)822-6150