[comp.sys.amiga] 68881 to C interface

aburto@marlin.UUCP (Alfred A. Aburto) (11/20/86)

Several people have asked me how one could talk to the 68020/68881 via
Lattice C.  The best solution of course would be an Amiga Lattice C compiler
version that supports the 68020/68881.  Next would be a software library
such as the mathffp.library and mathtrans.library which one could call from
C.  Finally one could write an assembly program which does 68020/68881
things that would be compiled and linked to work with a target C program. 

Its this latter approach that I can help with.  What I have is a bit of a
kludge but it does work.  A sample C test program is shown below and I'll
upload the Assembly program in a follow up message.

The sample C program :      
/*  68020/68881 test program          */

    extern  float  FPCP();            /* 68020/68881 Assembly program */
        float ua, ub, uc, ud;
        int mc;

        mc = 1;
	ua = 0.5;
	ub = 1.75;
	uc = FPCP(mc, &ua, &ub);           /*  uc = ua + ub        */
	printf(" ua + ub = %f\n",uc);

        uc = FPCP(2, &ua, &ub);            /*  uc = ua - ub        */
	printf(" ua - ub = %f\n",uc);

        uc = FPCP(3, &ua, &ub);            /*  uc = ua * ub        */
	printf(" ua * ub = %f\n",uc);

        uc = FPCP(4, &ua, &ub);            /*  uc = ua / ub        */
	printf(" ua / ub = %f\n",uc);

        uc = FPCP(5, &ua);                 /*  uc = sin(ua)        */
	printf(" sin(ua) = %f\n",uc);

        uc = FPCP(6, &ua);                 /*  uc = cos(ua)        */
	printf(" cos(ua) = %f\n",uc);

        uc = FPCP(7, &ua, &ud);            /*  uc = sin(ua)        */
					   /*  ud = cos(ua)        */
__________________________ end of program ____________________________

I'll upload the assembly program shortly........

Al Aburto

aburto@marlin.UUCP (Alfred A. Aburto) (11/21/86)

This is the 68020/68881 Amiga Assembly program source which can be compiled
and then linked to the C sample program....
*     68020/68881 Assembly program   *
		XDEF     _FPCP

		MOVE.L   $08(A6),D0		;mc    (the int mc)
		MOVE.L   $0C(A6),A0             ;&ua   (the address of ua)
		MOVE.L   $10(A6),A1             ;ub   (the address of ub)

FADDS:          CMPI.B   #$01,D0
		BNE      FSUBS
		DC.L     $F2104400              ;FMOVE.S  (A0),FP0
		DC.L     $F2114422              ;FADD.S   (A1),FP0
		DC.L     $F2006400              ;FMOVE.S   FP0,D0
		UNLK     A6

FSUBS:          CMPI.B   #$02,D0
		BNE      FMULS
		DC.L     $F2104400              ;FMOVE.S  (A0),FP0
		DC.L     $F2114428              ;FSUB.S   (A1),FP0
		DC.L     $F2006400              ;FMOVE.S   FP0,D0
		UNLK     A6

FMULS:          CMPI.B   #$03,D0
		BNE      FDIVS
		DC.L     $F2104400              ;FMOVE.S  (A0),FP0
		DC.L     $F2114423              ;FMUL.S   (A1),FP0
		DC.L     $F2006400              ;FMOVE.S   FP0,D0
		UNLK     A6

FDIVS:          CMPI.B   #$04,D0
		BNE      FSINS
		DC.L     $F2104400              ;FMOVE.S  (A0),FP0
		DC.L     $F2114420              ;FDIV.S   (A1),FP0
		DC.L     $F2006400              ;FMOVE.S   FP0,D0
		UNLK     A6

FSINS:          CMPI.B   #$05,D0
		BNE      FCOSS
		DC.L     $F210440E              ;FSIN.S   (A0),FP0
		DC.L     $F2006400              ;FMOVE.S   FP0,D0
		UNLK     A6

FCOSS:          CMPI.B   #$06,D0
		DC.L     $F210441D              ;FCOS.S   (A0),FP0
		DC.L     $F2006400              ;FMOVE.S   FP0,D0
		UNLK     A6

FSINCOSS:       CMPI.B   #$07,D0               
		BNE      QUIT
		DC.L     $F2104431              ;FSINCOS.S (A0),FP1:FP0
		DC.L     $F2006400              ;FMOVE.S    FP0,D0
		DC.L     $F2116480              ;FMOVE.S    FP1,(A1)

QUIT:           UNLK     A6


___________________ End of assembly Program ______________________________

Al Aburto