[comp.sys.amiga] filemenu.c - 6 of 21

crunch@well.UUCP (John Draper) (12/03/86)

  filemenu.c - contains the FILE menu functions
/*  The usual header files to be inserted later  */
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <graphics/display.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <workbench/workbench.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#include <devices/narrator.h>
#include <devices/audio.h>
#include <libraries/translator.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "gad.h"
/* constants */
/* external functions */
extern struct Gadget *grabGad();    /* Gadio.c */
extern void dumpgad();
extern UBYTE *getrname();
extern void disp_render();
extern struct StringInfo *nam_info();
extern long Open();                    /* Using 16 bit ints */
/* external vars */
extern UBYTE *gadnames[];
extern struct Gadget *gads[];
extern int nextgad;
extern int curgad;
extern struct Gadget testgad;
extern UBYTE sbuf_1[];         /* Brent's stuff */
extern int link;
extern struct Window *w;
extern int nextlink;
UBYTE gadfile[NAM_SIZ];         /* Brent's stuff */
extern BOOL updated, saved;     /* Brent's stuff */
/* local vars */
/*---------- save as source ----------*/
/*  Starting from the LAST gadget in the window's gadget list,  each of the
    Intuitext structures are displayed "FIRST", then the "Specialinfo"
    structures, the "Borders",  and finally the structure.   First,  a
    file is opened,  and the text is "fprintf'ed" into the file.
    Change history:
    11-17-86  RRL cleaned up this and pgad.c so it would work with
              all gadget types and with intuitext. Also added name
              parameters to all disp_ functions - Intuitext is now
              output as part of disp_renders.
    int  i;
    int strnum = 1;       /* idents the string gadgets from each other */
    int propnum = 1;      /* idents proportional gads from each other */
    int rendnum = 1;      /* identifier for borders */
    static UBYTE fnam[NAM_SIZ];  /* Filename size */
    struct StringInfo *si;
    struct PropInfo *pi;
    FILE *fopen(), *txt;               /* $$$ File descriptor */
    /* Open up requester and get gadgets source file name */
    get_req_name("Save source file named as:", fnam);
    /* Open up the file for write access in current directory */
    txt = fopen(fnam, "w");
    /* First print out a header to the file, containing all the normal */
    /* includes, defines for all gadget IDs, and other 'standard'      */
    /* structures, such as text attributes to be used in intuitext.    */
    /* this and other disp_ routines are in pgad.c $$$NEW 11/16/86 RRL */
    for (i=nextgad-1; i>=0; i--)
      switch(gads[i]->GadgetType) {
       case BOOLGADGET:
                 disp_render(txt, gads[i], rendnum, i);
                 disp_gadget(txt, gads[i], BORD, rendnum, 0, gadnames[i], i);
         case STRGADGET:
                 si = (struct StringInfo *)gads[i]->SpecialInfo;
                 disp_render(txt, gads[i], rendnum, i);
                 dispstring(txt, si, strnum, (SHORT)BUFSIZE,gadnames[i]);
                 disp_gadget(txt, gads[i], BORD, rendnum, strnum, gadnames[i],i)
         case PROPGADGET:
                 pi = (struct PropInfo *)gads[i]->SpecialInfo;
                 disp_render(txt, gads[i], propnum, i);
                 disp_props(txt, pi, propnum, gadnames[i]);
                 disp_gadget(txt, gads[i], 0, 0, propnum,  gadnames[i],i);
/*-------- Get a file containing gadgets --------*/
/*  Gets a filename, stores it in the variable 'gadfile'.  Opens the file and
    reads the gadgets into the gads[] array while putting their names in the
    gadnames[] array.  Clears the 'updated' flag, sets the 'saved' flag.
    After the gadgets have been read in, they are displayed after they are
    linked to the window.
    UBYTE           tempname[NAM_SIZ], *gadname;
    long              gadfd;
    int                   i;
    int              numgad;    /* Number of gadgets to read in */
    struct Gadget   *newgad;
    struct StringInfo   *si;    /* StringInfo structure */
    UBYTE              *str;    /* pointer to req buffer string */
    /* Get file name.  Not a scrolling requester, but maybe soon... */
    si = nam_info();              /* Not supposed to access directly */
    if (gadfile[0] != '\0') {
       strcpy(si->Buffer, gadfile);   /* Copy string to req buffer */
       si->BufferPos = strlen(si->Buffer) + 1;
    else {
       *si->Buffer = '\0';
       si->BufferPos = 0;
    if ((str = getrname("Gadget file name")) == (UBYTE *) NULL)
    strcpy(gadfile, str);
    /* Try to open the existing file... */
    if ((gadfd = Open(gadfile, MODE_OLDFILE)) == NULL) {
        kprintf("Can't open file %s",gadfile);
    /* Initialize "nextgad" */
    nextgad = curgad = NULL;
    link = FALSE;
    /* Get the number of gadgets to read */
    Read(gadfd, &numgad, (long)sizeof(numgad));
    for (i=0; i<numgad; i++) {
        /* Get the Gadget name */
        Read(gadfd, names[i], (long)NAM_SIZ);
        /* Now get the gadget... */
        newgad = grabGad(gadfd, i);
        curgad = nextgad++;
        gads[i] = newgad;    /* Copy Gadget structure pointer */
        AddGadget(w, gads[i], -1L);   /* Add it to window */
        link = TRUE;                  /* OK to refresh gadgets */
        /* Save the gadget name, too! */
        gadnames[i] = names[i];
    /* Don't forget to close the file. */
    /* Clear 'updated' flag and set 'saved' flag. */
    updated = FALSE;
    saved = TRUE;
    /* Now refresh the Gadgets */
    if (link) RefreshGadgets(gads[0], w, NULL);
/*--------- Save a file containing gadgets --------*/
/*  Checks 'updated' and 'saved' flags,  if necessary, the program should save
    the gadget info out to the file.   Prior to saving each gadget structure to
    disk, writes the gadget's name.
    long             gadfd;
    UBYTE             *str;
    struct StringInfo  *si;
    int                  i;
    /* Get "StringInfo" pointer for Name requestor */
    si = nam_info();
    /* Get file name.  Not a scrolling requester, but maybe soon... */
    if (gadfile[0] != '\0') {
       strcpy(si->Buffer, gadfile);
       si->BufferPos = strlen(si->Buffer) + 1;  /* Posn cur at end */
    else {
       *si->Buffer = '\0';
       si->BufferPos = 0;
    if ((str = getrname("Gadget file name")) == NULL)
    strcpy(gadfile, str);
    /* Try to open the existing file... */
    if ((gadfd = Open(gadfile, MODE_OLDFILE)) == 0L)
        /* No go... try to open a new file... */
        if ((gadfd = Open(gadfile, MODE_NEWFILE)) == 0L) {
            kprintf("Can't open the file:  '%s'. -- ", gadfile);
    /* Write out the number of gadgets to read, curgad is num of gadgets */
    Write(gadfd, &nextgad, (long)sizeof(nextgad));
    for (i = 0; i < nextgad; i++) {
        /* ### Write the gadget name. */
        Write(gadfd, gadnames[i], (long)NAM_SIZ);
        /* Now save the gadget... */
        dumpGad(gads[i], gadfd, i);
    /* Close file. */
    /* Clear 'updated' flag and set 'saved' flag. */
    updated = FALSE;
    saved = TRUE;