[comp.sys.amiga] More bugs... or is it the same bug hiding in slightly different code

rmariani@watmum.UUCP (Rico Mariani) (12/06/86)

Could someone check to see if this code compiles OK under V3.30 or higher
of Aztec?  It gives the same kind of bug as the last bit of code, error
at assembly time

	int  box[1], i;

	(box+i)[0] =
	(box+i)[0] =
	(box+i)[0] =
	(box+i*i)[0] = 0;

It's very subtle, as any tweaking of the above results in a correct
compilation, e.g. if you delete one of the redundant assignments it's
just fine...

This is so similar to the other bug that it just might have been corrected
along with it, but just in case (and as a further confidence test...)

On the whole, I've thrown a big mess of the ugliest C source you could
imagine at Aztec and it has compiled most of it without problems.  I'm
very impressed...


Here's the assembler that the above code generates.

	public	_main
	link	a5,#.2
	movem.l	.3,-(sp)
;	int  box[1], i;
;	(box+i)[0] =
;	(box+i)[0] =
;	(box+i)[0] =
;	(box+i*i)[0] = 0;
	move.l	-8(a5),d3
	asl.l	#2,d3
	lea	-4(a5),a6
	move.l	-8(a5),d2
	asl.l	#2,d2		<--- this value is already in d3
	lea	-4(a5),a1	<--- this one is in a6...
	move.l	-8(a5),d1	
	asl.l	#2,d1		<--- and again
	lea	-4(a5),a0	<--- with both values...
	move.l	-8(a5),d0
	move.l	d1,-(sp)
	move.l	-8(a5),d1
	jsr	.mulu#		<--- perfectly reasonable mulu call this time
	asl.l	#2,d0
	move.l	a6,-(sp)	<--- compiler doesn't know that it doesn't
	lea	-4(a5),a6	     have to save this...
	clr.l	(a6,d0.l)
	clr.l	(a0,.l)		<---- look familiar ??
	clr.l	(a1,d2.l)
	move.l	(sp)+,a6
	move.l	(sp)+,d1
	clr.l	(a6,d3.l)
	movem.l	(sp)+,.3
	unlk	a5
.2	equ	-8
.3	reg	
	public	.begin