[comp.sys.amiga] Shell 2.04M Docs and executable

drew@cgfsv1.dec.com.UUCP (12/10/86)

	Following as promised in Shell 2.04M (changed to M by Matts
	request for clearity), the Shell.doc file plus uuencode
	executable. Code size is about 32,200 bytes.
	Mail me for the source, or I'll post it to .sources when
	I get time.



		Matt Dillons Shell program.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR 2.04M (MANX only) by Steve Drew

    	Steve Drew at	ENET:    CGFSV1::DREW
    			ARPA:    drew%cfgsv1.dec.com@decwrl.dec.com
    			USENET:  {decvax|decwrl}!cgfsv1.dec.com!drew    

	2.04M	09-Dec-86 Steve Drew  :Few bugs fixed, Commandline Editing
				      :& Function key support added.
				      :Changed my version to (M)anx.
	2.02A	20-oct-86 Steve Drew  :Implemented Matt's new features also
				      :now 16 bit compilable.
				      :(Same functionality as Matt's 2.03)
	2.01A	27-sep-86 Steve Drew  :Major conversion from Lattice > MANX
				      :and added more commands/features.


	This shell program was written by Matt Dillon. 
        I have added the 'A' varient on the end of the version to 
        distinguish between Matt's version's and my modified
	version for Manx C. This is actually equivalent to Matt's version
	2.02 with additional commands/features and will work only on
	Manx C.
	To compile:
		   Make (return).
		   should be about 32000 bytes.

Version 2.04M notes: (new features)
	- 	This version runs UNDER WORKBENCH 1.2 ONLY.


		- Command line can be upto 255 chars.
		- Inserts and deletes are handled correctly over
		  multiple screen lines. The program will keep track of
		  the line width should the window get resized.

	   	  	Up Arrow    Recal previous commands
		  	Down Arrow  Recal commands
			Left Arrow  Move cursor about command line.
			Right Arrow  "     "      "      "      "
			^A	    Toggle insert/overtype mode.
			^D	    EOF
			^E	    Put cursor at end of text.
			^R	    Retype current line.
			^U	    Erase entire line.
			^X	    Erase entire line.
			^Z	    Put cursor at start of text.
			f1 - f10    Execute command if variable exists.
			F1 - F10    More commands (Shifted f keys).
			Help 	    invokes help command

	- Using Function keys.
		- Just set the variable f1-f10 or F1-F10 (shifted) to
		  the desired string.

			$ set f1 "dir -s df0:"			

	- New variable _width shows the number of collums in the window.
	  and will change automatically if the user resizes the window.
	- option -c when starting will invoke the rest of command line
	  and exit. (Thanks Dave.) Usefull to do stuff in the background.
	  e.g. run shell -c copy c:foo ram:;echo done.

	- pwd gets run as part of cd so as to set _cwd to full path name.

Version 2.02A notes:

	- For new features of 2.03 see Matt's instruction.txt appended below.

	- All Matt's new feature for 2.03 converted to manx. And uses c.lib.

	- Redirection appears to work fine. Even on bcpl programs.
	  Let me know if you find otherwise.
	- new varible	_path	for setting search path for external
	  cmds. Shell does not use the 1.2 PATH feature but you may
	  specify a search path by setting this symbol.
			$ set _path "ram:,c:,df0:c/,df1:c/"

	- Auto requesters are turned off during searching for cmds
	  except when an explicit path is specified eg. df0:c/sort.

	- Command list is sorted so that help displays readable output.

	- A few bugs fixed

	- Changed all i/o routines that used MY.LIB written by Matt to
	  use standard i/o or Amiga routines, since Manx is so efficeint
	  with standard i/o routines compiling all those library functions
	  did'nt gain anything as it does with Lattice.
	- Dir command rewritten to allow options:
		-s short mutil(4) collum display of files
		-d directorys only
		-f files only
		also added date and time stamp for files, and
		for wild carded directories always tells you what
		directory you are listing.
	  the directory command will also not expand files that are
 	  directories if as result of a wildcard expansion. eg:
	  'dir df0:*'  and 'dir df0:' will give same results
	  expect previously if df0:* was specified all subdirectories
	  of df0: were expanded also.
	  (to list the subdirectories: 'dir df0:*/*')
	- Wildcarding now matches upper or lower case.	
	- Command will no longer abort if one of the arguments which
	  has wild card does not expand.

	- run program >redir will work properly as
	  long as you run command is called 'run'. With the lattice 
	  version the command got parsed like run >redir program, so
   	  all you got in you redir file was [CLI n].
	- CD command rewritten. Will change any input such as cd df0:work
	  to be Disklabel:work, this makes it real easy when switching
	  disks arround. Also checks if file is a directory.
	  Note: if you for some reason do a CD dir (note upper case so
	  	will run c:CD command) it will change you current dir
		and will be handled properly.

	- On startup you current directory is determined and set.
	- Added %full and volume name to devinfo.

	- copy command added. (faster that COPY under 1.1 workbench)
		copy dir/file		copies file to current dir
		copy work/* [to] new    copies all files from directory work
					  to directory new
		copy foo foo2		copies foo to foo2
		copy >nil: * [to] df1:  copies all files in current directory
					  to df1: & logs it to nil:
	  (at present it will not create directorys or do a ALL option like
	   c:COPY does).
	- ps command added. gives the folling info:
	  Proc Command Name         CLI Type    Pri.  Address  Directory
 	   1   SHELL                Initial CLI   0      97b0  Stuff:shell
	   2   sys:c/clockmem       Background  -10    2101a8  Workdisk:
	   3   c:emacs              Background    0    212f58  Stuff:shell
	   4   sys:c/VT100          Background    0    227328  Workdisk:
	   Address is the addres of the task, directory is the process
	   currently set directory.


	- Unfortunatley due to the bcpl enviorment and fexecv function
	  using the c:EXECUTE command to run a script file doesnt work
	  under shell.
			Either do a 'run execute filename'
			use the script file capabilities of shell
			eg. 	    'source filename'

	- Not really a bug  but, if you want to pass a quote to an
	  external command dont forget to use the overide '\' character
		eg.   Relabel df0: \"Blank disk\"

   Following is Matt instructions for all his commands.	


      (A)   Compiling
      (B)   Overview
      (C)   Quicky tech notes on implimentation.

      (D)   Command pre-processor
      (E)   Command-list
      (F)   special SET variables

      (G)   example .login file.


	see above.


   -simple history
   -variables & variable handling (embedded variables)
   -file name expansion via '?' and '*'
   -source files  (w/ gotos and labels)
   -many built in commands to speed things up

   NEW FEATURES IN 2.03.  I would like to thank Dave Wecker and Steve Drew
   for their numerous comments on the previous version of my shell.

   -Return code and error handling
      (A) retrieve return code
      (B) Manual or Automatic error handling.
   -Control C-F now passed to external commands.
   -can execute shell scripts as if they were normal commands (w/ arguments)
    (see down below)
   -C:RUN no longer required.  ext Command loading is faster
   -BCPL programs which change the CLI state (CD/PATH...) now work with
    the shell.  However, the CLI PATH is not used currently.
   -MV command embellished... can now specify multiple files with a
    directory as the destination.
   -'-l' option for DIR
   -CD re-written, new variable $_cwd
   -wildcard expansion no longer cares about case.
   -Comment character '#'
   -EXIT as an alternate to QUIT

   Additional Commands:

   Additional SET variables (see documentation below)
      _cwd           current directory (see CD below)
      _maxerr        worst return value to date
      _lasterr       return value from last command (internal or external)
      _except        contains error level AND exception code. "nnn;command"
                     (see ABORTLINE, and start of section E)

      _passed        contains passed command line to source files


   PIPES have been implimented using temporary RAM: files.  Thus, you
   should be careful when specifying a 'ram:*' expansion as it might
   include the temp. files.  These files are deleted on completion of
   the pipe segment.

   The file names used are completely unique, even with multiple shell
   running simultaniously.

   My favorite new feature is the fact that you can now redirect to and
   from, and pipe internal commands.  'echo charlie >ram:x', for
   instance.  Another favorite:

      echo "echo mem | shell" | shell

   To accomplish these new features, I completely re-wrote the command
   parser in execom.c

   NOTE: redirecting BCPL programs currently does not work well.


   preprocessing is done on the command line before it is passed on to
   an internal or external routine:

   NOTE: The easiest way to execute the C:command if it has the same
	 name eg dir is to upper case it, or part of it eg.

	 $ Dir	or DIR 	  'will execute external c:Dir command

   ^c       where c is a character is converted to that control character.
            Thus, say '^l' for control-l.

   $name    where name is a variable name.  Variable names can consist of
            0-9, a-z, A-Z, and underscore (_).  The contents of the
            specified variable is used.  If the variable doesn't exist,
            the specifier is used.  That is, if the variable 'i' contains
            'charlie', then '$i' -> 'charlie'.  If the variable 'i' doesn't
            exist, then '$i'->'$i' .

   ;        delimits commands.   echo charlie ; echo ben.

   ' '      (a space). Space delimits arguments.

   "string" a quoted string.  For instance, if you want to echo five spaces
            and an 'a':

            echo      a       -> a
            echo "    a"      ->      a

   \c       overide the meaning of special characters.  '\^a' is a
            circumflex and an a rather than control-a.  To get a backslash,
            you must say '\\'.

   >file    specify output redirection.  All output from the command is
            placed in the specified file.

   <file    specify input redirection.  The command takes input from the
            file rather than the keyboard (note: not all commands require
            input).  It makes no sense to say  'echo <charlie' since
            the 'echo' command only outputs its arguments.

   |        PIPE specifier.  The output from the command on the left becomes
            the input to the command on the right.  The current SHELL
            implimentation uses temporary files to store the data.

   !!       execute the previously executed command.
   !nn      (nn is a number).  Insert the history command numbered n (see
            the HISTORY command)
   !partial search backwards through the history list for a command which
            looks the same as 'partial', and execute it.

   #        Enter comment.  The rest of the line is discarded (note: \#
            will, of course, overide the comment character's special


   The first argument is the command-name... if it doesn't exist in the
   list below and isn't an alias, it is assumed to be an external (disk)

   AUTOMATIC SOURCING may be accomplished by naming shell scripts with a
   .sh suffix.  Thus, if you say 'stuff' and the file 'stuff.sh' exists in
   your current or C: directory, it will be SOURCED with any arguments you
   have placed in the $_passed variable.


      if no _except variable exists, any command which fails causes the
      rest of the line to abort as if an ABORTLINE had been executed.  If
      the _except variable exists, it is of the form:


      where nnn is some value representing the minimum return code required
      to cause an error.  Whenever a command returns a code which is
      larger or equal to nnn, the commands in _except are executed before
      AUTOMATICALLY.  Thus, if you want the current line being executed
      to be aborted, the last command in _except should be an "abortline".

      exception handling is disabled while in the exception handling routine
      (thus you can't get into any infinite loops this way).

      Thus if _except = ";", return codes are completely ignored.


      set _except "20;abortline"


      or just 'abort'.  Causes the rest of the line to be aborted. Used in
      conjunction with exception handling.

      % echo a;abort;echo b


      simply displays all the available commands.  The commands are
      displayed in search-order.  That is, if you give a partial name
      the first command that matches that name in this list is the one
      executed.  Generally, you should specify enough of a command so that
      it is completely unique.

   RETURN [n]

      quit my SHELL (awww!).  End, El-Zappo, Kapow. Done, Finis.  If you
      use RETURN and are on the top source level, the shell exits with the
      optional return code.  (see RETURN below)

   SET name
   SET name string

      The first method lists all current variable settings.
      The second method lists the setting for that particular variable,
      or creates the variable if it doesn't exist (to "")
      The last method sets a variable to a string.

      see the section on special _ variables down below

   UNSET name name name....

      unset one or more variables.  Deletes them entirely.

   ALIAS name
   ALIAS name string

      same as SET, but applies to the alias list.  You can alias a single
      name to a set of commands.  For instance:

      alias hi "echo a; echo b"

      then you can simply say 'hi'.  Aliases come in two forms the second
      form allows you to place the arguments after an alias in a variable
      for retrieval:

      alias xxx "%i echo this $i is a test"

      % xxx charlie
      this charlie is a test

      The rest of the command line is placed in the specified variable
      for the duration of the alias.  This is especially useful when used
      in conjunction with the 'FOREACH' command.

   UNALIAS name name name...

      delete aliases..

   ECHO string
   ECHO -n string

      echo the string to the screen.  If '-n' is specified, no newline is

   STRHEAD  varname breakchar string

      remove everything after and including the breakchar in 'string' and
      place in variable 'varname':

         % strhead j . aaa.bbb
         % echo $j

   STRTAIL  varname breakchar string

      remove everything before and including the breakchar in 'string' and
      place in variable 'varname':

         % strtail j . aaa.bbb
         % echo $j

   SOURCE file [arguments]

      execute commands from a file.  You can create SHELL programs in
      a file and then execute them with this command.  Source'd files
      have the added advantage that you can have loops in your command
      files (see GOTO and LABEL).  You can pass SOURCE files arguments
      by specifying arguments after the file name.  Arguments are passed
      via the _passed variable (as a single string).

      Automatic 'sourcing' is accomplished by placing a .sh extension on
      the file and executing it as you would a C program:

      --------- file hello.sh ---------
      foreach i ( $_passed ) "echo yo $i"
      % hello a b c
      yo a
      yo b
      yo c

   MV from to
   MV from from from ... from todir

      Allows you to rename a file or move it around within a disk.  Allows
      you to move 1 or more files into a single directory.

   CD ..
   CD path

      Change your current working directory.  You may specify '..' to go
      back one directory (this is a CD specific feature, and does not
      work with normal path specifications).

      CD without any arguments displays the path of the directory you
      are currently in.

      rebuild _cwd by backtracing from your current directory.

   RM file file file...

      DeleteFile().  Remove the specified files.  Remove always returns
      errorcode 0.

   MKDIR name name name...

      create the following directories.

   HISTORY [partial_string]

      Displays the enumerated history list.  The size of the list is
      controlled by the _history variable.  If you specify a partial-
      string, only those entries matching that string are displayed.


      Display current memory statistics for CHIP and FAST.

   CAT [file file....]

      Type the specified files onto the screen.  If no file is specified,
      STDIN in used.  CAT is meant to output text files only.

   DIR [-l] [path path ... ]

      Get a directory listing of the current directory or specified
      directories.  The -l options causes DIR to display time stamps
      as well.

   DEVINFO [device: device:... ]

      Display Device statistics for the current device (CD base), or
      specified devices.

   FOREACH varname ( strings ) command

      'strings' is broken up into arguments.  Each argument is placed in
      the variable 'varname' in turn and 'command' executed.  To execute
      multiple commands, place them in quotes:

      % foreach i ( a b c d ) "echo -n $i;echo \" ha\""
      a ha
      b ha
      c ha
      d ha

      Foreach is especially useful when interpreting passed arguments in
      an alias or source file.

      NOTE: a GOTO inside will have indeterminate results.

   FOREVER command
   FOREVER "command;command;command..."

      The specified commands are executed over and over again forever.

      -Execution stops if you hit ^C
      -If the commands return with an error code.

      NOTE: a GOTO inside will have indeterminate results.

   RETURN [value]

      return from a source file.  The rest of the source file is
      discarded.  If given, the value becomes the return value for the
      SOURCE command.  If you are on the top level, this value is returned
      as the exit code for the shell.

   IF argument conditional argument ;
   IF argument

      If a single argument is something to another argument.  Conditional
      clauses allowed:

      <, >, =, and combinations (wire or).  Thus <> is not-equal, >=
      larger or equal, etc...

      If the left argument is numeric, both arguments are treated as

      usually the argument is either a constant or a variable ($varname).

      The second form if IF is conditional on the existance of the argument.
      If the argument is a "" string, then false , else TRUE.

   ELSE ;

      else clause.

   ENDIF ;

      the end of an if statement.

   LABEL name

      create a program label right here.

   GOTO label

      goto the specified label name.  You can only use this command from a
      source file.

   DEC var
   INC var

      decrement or increment the numerical equivalent of the variable and
      place the ascii-string result back into that variable.

   INPUT varname

      input from STDIN (or a redirection, or a pipe) to a variable.  The
      next input line is placed in the variable.


      display my name and the version number.

   SLEEP timeout

      Sleep for 'timeout' seconds.


         This variable is set to the command you wish executed that will
         create your prompt.

         This variable is set to a numerical value, and specifies how far
         back your history should extend.

         Debug mode... use it if you dare.  must be set to some value

         Verbose mode (for source files).  display commands as they are

         The worst (highest) return value to date.  To use this, you usually
         set it to '0', then do some set of commands, then check it.  

         Return code of last command executed.  This includes internal
         commands as well as external comands, so to use this variables
         you must check it IMMEDIATELY after the command in question.

         Holds a string representing the current directory we are in from
         root.  The SHELL can get confused as to its current directory if
         some external program changes the directory.  Use PWD to rebuild
         the _cwd variable in these cases.

         This variable contains the passed arguments when you SOURCE a file
         or execute a .sh file.  For instance:

         test a b c d

         -------- file test.sh ----------
         echo $_passed
         foreach i ( $_passed ) "echo YO $i"


   from a CLI or the startup-script say 'SHELL filename'.  That file
   is sourced first.  thus, 'SHELL .login' will set up your favorite

	see examples.txt

# -Steve's .login file- #

# ------My search path ------- #

set   _path  ram:c/,ram:,c:,df0:c/,df1:c/,sys:system/,sys:utilities

# -------Function keys-------- #

set   f1     dir df0:
set   f2     dir df1:
set   F1     dir -s df0:
set   F2     dir -s df1:
set   f3     info
set   f4     ps

# ---------Quickies---------- #

# -query delete- #
alias qd "%q foreach i ( $q ) \"echo -n Delete ?[n] ;input a;if $a = y;del $i;endif\""

alias delete rm
alias rename mv
alias makedir mkdir
alias print "%q copy $q prt:"
alias info  "devinfo df0: df1: ram:"
alias tosys "assign c: SYS:c"
alias toram "assign c: RAM:c;"
alias tomanx "assign c: MANX:c; manxinit"
alias d     "dir -s"
alias clr   "echo -n ^l"
alias wb    "loadwb"
alias pref  "sys:preferences"
alias cal   "run sys:utilities/calculator"
alias verify "set _verbose 1"
alias noverify "unset _verbose"

# ------Applications---------- #

alias em    "run emacs"
alias vt    "run sys:c/VT100"

# --------Finish Up----------- #

ver ;echo -n "Shell loaded on ";date

makedir ram:lib;Set CLIB=RAM:lib/;copy AC:lib/$libfile ram:lib"
alias	cleanup	"del >NIL: ram:lib/* ram:lib"
alias	make	"%q run MAKE $q"
alias   makeall	"%q run MAKE -a $q"

cp c:run ram:; cp c:assign ram:; cp c:cp ram:; assign c: ram:

foreach y ( $_passed ) "echo $y;lc1 -o$temp -i$incdir/ -i$incdir/lattice/ $y";echo DONE

foreach y ( $_passed ) "echo $y;lc2 -s -v $temp$y";echo DONE

blink $ld/lstartup.obj+$_passed library $ld/lc.lib+$ld/amiga.lib $ops to $dest

set O "";foreach y ( *.o ) "set O $O+$y";strtail O + $O
ld $O;unset O


------------------------CUT HERE----------------------------------------

begin 600 Shell
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