[comp.sys.amiga] Wanted: Good Debugger

wutka@gitpyr.gatech.EDU (Mark Wutka) (01/06/87)

Anybody know of a good debugger that is inexpensive (VERY inexpensive) ?

I have been toying around with the Macro Assembler and I can't even open
the Intuition Library. It bombs when I jump to OpenLibrary and I can't
figure out why. I can't even tell if it is the jump that does it or if
it bombs within OpenLibrary since I can't tell where my program is
loaded into memory so I can't track it very well. Anybody know of a debugger
that would help ?


This is what happens when I roll my head on the keyboard:
kl,miojunhygbtmki,l o.;/,kmoij unhybgtvfrcdjnmki l,o.;p/ijn

cmcmanis@sun.uucp (Chuck McManis) (01/06/87)

In article <2846@gitpyr.gatech.EDU>, Mark Wutka writes:
> Anybody know of a good debugger that is inexpensive (VERY inexpensive) ?
> I have been toying around with the Macro Assembler and I can't even open
> the Intuition Library. It bombs when I jump to OpenLibrary and I can't
> figure out why. I can't even tell if it is the jump that does it or if
> it bombs within OpenLibrary since I can't tell where my program is
> loaded into memory so I can't track it very well. Anybody know of a debugger
> that would help ?
> -- 
> ...!{akgua,allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,masscomp,ut-ngp}!gatech!gitpyr!wutka

I don't know of a good debugger but I may know your problem. I have 
found the only way to reliably start assembly programs is to use
the startup code in the back of the Rom Kernel Manual, specifically
you must first initialize a variable called "SysBase" to the contents
of location AbsExecBase ($4), then you must open the dos library
with MOVE.L	#dosname,A1
     MOVE.l	#0,D0
     CallSys	OpenLibrary

And then you can do whatever else you want. But without these two, and
in that order you can't do anything.

--Chuck McManis
uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis   BIX: cmcmanis  ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com
These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you.

kim@amdahl.UUCP (Kim DeVaughn) (01/08/87)

In article <2846@gitpyr.gatech.EDU>, wutka@gitpyr.gatech.EDU (Mark Wutka) writes:
> Anybody know of a good debugger that is inexpensive (VERY inexpensive) ?
> I have been toying around with the Macro Assembler and I can't even open
> the Intuition Library. It bombs when I jump to OpenLibrary and I can't
> figure out why.

[ I'm posting this for Steve ... /kim ]

First of all, are you sure that the library number you're passing
is 32 bits (in other words, are the high order bits of D0 0?)
Also, is it one of (0, 31, 32, 33)?

  As for the debugger, if you're using Manx, look at DB.  By the
3.4 release this will be a very nice package.
  Also, Fred Fish wrote a dbug package that can be found on
Disk #2, but I think this only for C.  [an updated version is on #41]
  If you have a terminal or another computer to hook up to the
serial port, you can imbed your program with kprintf's and see
your program's progress on the terminal.  I have a bunch of assembly
macros to send stuff out to the parallel port.  Mail to me if
you want them.
  If you program a lot, I'd recommend Metascope.  This has been
worth every penny for me, even though it's a pain to use with
multitasking programs.

  Steve Schoettler
  ( mail by way of hplabs!amdahl!kim who can forward to me )

UUCP:  {sun,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,ihnp4,seismo,oliveb,cbosgd}!amdahl!kim
DDD:   408-746-8462
USPS:  Amdahl Corp.  M/S 249,  1250 E. Arques Av,  Sunnyvale, CA 94086
CIS:   76535,25

[  Any thoughts or opinions which may or may not have been expressed  ]
[  herein are my own.  They are not necessarily those of my employer. ]

carolyn@cbmvax.cbm.UUCP (Carolyn Scheppner) (01/15/87)

In article <2846@gitpyr.gatech.EDU> wutka@gitpyr.gatech.EDU (Mark Wutka) writes:
>Anybody know of a good debugger that is inexpensive (VERY inexpensive) ?
>I have been toying around with the Macro Assembler and I can't even open
>the Intuition Library. It bombs when I jump to OpenLibrary and I can't
>figure out why. I can't even tell if it is the jump that does it or if
>it bombs within OpenLibrary since I can't tell where my program is
>loaded into memory so I can't track it very well. Anybody know of a debugger
>that would help ?

   Metascope by Metadigm is good.  Meanwhile, here is one of my clumsy
assembler examples.  It really didn't need an OpenLibrary since it
only uses Exec and Dos calls and both of those libraries are opened
by the startup code it is linked with.  But I added code to open
and close graphics.library just to show you how to do it.

   The example is meant to demo how to Open a file (PRT: in this case),
Write() to it, fprintf() to it, and Close it.  It also shows how to use
printf() and getchar() from assembler. (Handy for debugging)

   Please excuse any stupid code.  I use 68000 assembler very little and
I don't yet know all of the instructions. 


* assorted.asm  ---  Simple printer output using PRT: file
*    Shows use of Open(), Write(), Close() and also
*       interfaces with Amiga.lib's printf(),fprintf(), and getchar()
*    Also shows use of OpenLibrary()
* Must be linked with startup code (AStartup.obj)

           INCLUDE  "exec/types.i"
           INCLUDE  "libraries/dos.i"

* Macros *

            XREF     _LVO\1

* This one calls a library routine
* You must place the library's base in a6 before using this

            JSR      _LVO\1(a6)

* Imported Labels *

   XREF     _AbsExecBase
   XREF     _DOSBase              * Opened by startup code
   XREF     _printf
   XREF     _fprintf
   XREF     _getchar

   LREF     OpenLibrary
   LREF     CloseLibrary
   LREF     Open
   LREF     Write
   LREF     Close
   LREF     Delay

* Exported Labels *

   XDEF     _main               * AStartup.obj does JSR to this label
   XDEF     _GfxBase            * For demo of OpenLibrary


* Code *

            movem.l   d0/a6,-(a7)        Save the registers
            move.l    a7,myInitSP        Save initial stack pointer

* Demo Opening a Library *
            move.l    _AbsExecBase,a6    Exec Base to a6
            move.l    #0,d0              Version to d0
            lea       GfxName,a1         Ptr to library name in a1
            LJSR      OpenLibrary        Call OpenLibrary
            move.l    d0,_GfxBase        Ptr to _GfxBase
            bne       gfxOK              Valid base - continue

            lea.l     erOpenLib,a0       Else ptr to error message
            move.l    a0,erStr           Store in erStr
            bra       cleanup            Abort

* Demo _printf the base address *
            move.l    a7,tempSP          Save stack pointer
            move.l    _GfxBase,-(a7)     Push _GfxBase
            pea.l     libstr             Push address of format string
            jsr       _printf            Print it
            move.l    tempSP,a7          Fix stack

            move.l    #1,d0              Print debugging variables
            jsr       mydebug

            move.l    _DOSBase,a6        Was opened by AStartup.obj
            lea.l     prName,a0          Addr of file name PRT:
            move.l    a0,d1              Place in d1
            move.l    #MODE_NEWFILE,d2   New file
            LJSR      Open               Attempt Open
            move.l    d0,prFile          Store filehandle
            bne.s     dowrite            Branch if OK

            lea.l     erOpenPr,a0        Addr of Open error msg
            move.l    a0,erStr           Store in erStr
            bra       cleanup            Go to cleanup


       ;--- Try a simple Write() to printer file
            move.l    _DOSBase,a6        (not really needed - still there)
            move.l    prFile,d1          File handle
            lea.l     testStr,a0         Address of string or buffer
            move.l    a0,d2              Put in d2
            move.l    #12,d3             Length of testStr
            LJSR      Write              Write string to file
            move.l    d0,wLen            Write Length (-1 = error)
            bpl       dofprintf          Branch if OK

            lea.l     erWrite,a0         Ptr to error message
            move.l    a0,erStr           Store in erStr
            bra       cleanup            Abort


       ;--- Try formatted write to printer using _fprintf()

            move.l    testNum2,-(a7)     Push variable 2 on stack
            move.l    testNum1,-(a7)     Push variable 1 on stack
            pea.l     testFStr           Push addr of format string
            move.l    prFile,-(a7)       Push printer file handle
            jsr       _fprintf           Formatted print to printer
            addq.l    #8,a7              Fix the stack (8 + 8 = 4 longs)
            addq.l    #8,a7               (could have saved/restored instead)

            move.l    #0,erStr           All OK - error string ptr = NULL
            move.l    erStr,d0           Any errors ?
            beq.s     cleanup2           No

            move.l    erStr,-(a7)        Push ptr in erStr on stack
            jsr       _printf            Print error string
            addq.l    #4,a7              Fix stack

            move.l    #2,d0              Print debugging variables
            jsr       mydebug

            move.l    prFile,d1          If printer file was not opened
            beq.s     cleanup3              skip the Close
            move.l    _DOSBase,a6        Else Close it
            LJSR      Close

            movea.l   _GfxBase,a1        If graphics.library was not opened
            beq.s     cleanup3              skip the CloseLibrary
            move.l    _AbsExecBase,a6    Else ExecBase to a6
            LJSR      CloseLibrary          and CloseLibrary

            move.l    #3,d0              Print debugging variables
            jsr       mydebug

            pea.l     pressStr           Push addr of pressStr
            jsr       _printf            Print prompt string
            addq.l    #4,a7              Fix stack

            jsr       _getchar           Waits for a <RETURN>
            addq.l    #4,a7              Throw away char returned on stack

            move.l    myInitSP,a7        Restore initial stack pointer
            movem.l   (a7)+,d0/a6        Restore registers

            move.l    a7,tempSP          Save stack pointer
            move.l    a7,-(a7)           Push stack
            move.l    prFile,-(a7)       Push prFile
            move.l    _DOSBase,-(a7)     Push _DOSBase
            move.l    d0,-(a7)           Push checkpoint
            pea.l     debugStr           Push debug string
            jsr       _printf            Print the pushed variables
            move.l    tempSP,a7          Restore stack pointer


            CNOP  0,4
prFile      DC.L  0
            CNOP  0,2
_GfxBase    DC.L  0
            CNOP  0,2
testNum1    DC.L  1
            CNOP  0,2
testNum2    DC.L  2
            CNOP  0,2
testStr     DC.B  'Test string',10,0
            CNOP  0,2
testFStr    DC.B  'num1 = %ld  num2 = %ld',10,0
            CNOP  0,2
pressStr    DC.B  'Press <RETURN> to exit.',10,0
            CNOP  0,2
libstr      DC.B  'The library base is $%lx',10,0
            CNOP  0,2
debugStr    DC.B  'checkpoint=%ld  stack=%ld  prFile=%ld  _DOSBase=%ld',10,0
            CNOP  0,2
prName      DC.B  'PRT:',0
            CNOP  0,2
GfxName     DC.B  'graphics.library',0

* Error messages *
            CNOP  0,2
erOpenPr    DC.B  'Can not open printer',10,0
            CNOP  0,2
erWrite     DC.B  'Error writing to printer',10,0
            CNOP  0,2
erOpenLib   DC.B  'Can not open library',10,0

* Uninitialized variables *
            CNOP  0,2
wLen        DS.L  1
            CNOP  0,2
erStr       DS.L  1
            CNOP  0,2
myInitSP    DS.L  1
            CNOP  0,2
tempSP      DS.L  1

Carolyn Scheppner -- CBM   >>Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra,caip,ihnp4,seismo}!cbmvax!carolyn 
                     PHONE 215-431-9180

gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) (01/18/87)

The GNU project has been shipping a public domain source level debugger
for C programs, called "gdb" (GNU DeBugger).  I know it runs on Suns
and Vaxes.  I have an old copy lying around, but you should get the latest
copy from the Free Software Foundation.  (If there isn't a volunteer with
Arpanet access and an Amiga, to move it to Amiga floppies, I could grab it
from the Arpanet and uucp it to Fred Fish.  Let's see if anybody wants it,
first, and if a volunteer pops up.)

Being a source level debugger, it requires that the compiler output a
symbol table and such; and it needs to be taught about the particular
format of the symbol table for *your* compiler.  It currently knows
Sun and Vax "dbx" symbol tables, and its own format, which can be produced
by the public domain GNU C compiler (being tested now).  I haven't used
gdb myself, but have watched RMS use it, and it's roughly the same power
as Unix "dbx" -- you don't see the machine language at all unless you
want to; you just work in C.
John Gilmore  {sun,ptsfa,lll-crg,ihnp4}!hoptoad!gnu   gnu@ingres.berkeley.edu
/* No comment */

fnf@mcdsun.UUCP (Fred Fish) (01/19/87)

In article <1672@hoptoad.uucp> gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) writes:
> [info about GNU project gdb]		(If there isn't a volunteer with
>Arpanet access and an Amiga, to move it to Amiga floppies, I could grab it
>from the Arpanet and uucp it to Fred Fish.  Let's see if anybody wants it,
>first, and if a volunteer pops up.)

I have a copy of version 1.10, probably not the latest.  Most GNU things
seem to autoincrement weekly :-)    (heh, better than never getting fixed!)
Anyway, if anyone is serious about attempting a port, and has no easy way to
get the latest and greatest on Amiga floppies, contact me and I'll
see that you get a copy.

Fred Fish  Motorola Computer Division, 3013 S 52nd St, Tempe, Az 85282  USA
{seismo!noao!mcdsun,hplabs!well}!fnf    (602) 438-5976

aburto@marlin.UUCP (Alfred A. Aburto) (01/21/87)

In article <1234@cbmvax.cbmvax.cbm.UUCP> carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP (Carolyn Scheppner) writes:
>   The example is meant to demo how to Open a file (PRT: in this case),
>Write() to it, fprintf() to it, and Close it.  It also shows how to use
>printf() and getchar() from assembler. (Handy for debugging)
>   Please excuse any stupid code.  I use 68000 assembler very little and
>I don't yet know all of the instructions. 
>   carolyn
Thanks alot for the example assembly program.  It was not clumsy, and there
was nothing 'stupid' about it.  Example programs like this are very 
helpful and they are appreciated.  Like to see more.  You mentioned the
device.library in one of your earliar messages. The ROM Kernal manual has
has a very good example showing how to output text to a window but no
example for getting keyboard inputs.  An assembly example here would be

Al Aburto

root@sbcs.UUCP (Root) (01/21/87)

> In article <1672@hoptoad.uucp> gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) writes:
> > [info about GNU project gdb]		(If there isn't a volunteer with
> >Arpanet access and an Amiga, to move it to Amiga floppies, I could grab it
> >from the Arpanet and uucp it to Fred Fish.  Let's see if anybody wants it,
> >first, and if a volunteer pops up.)
> I have a copy of version 1.10, probably not the latest.  Most GNU things
> seem to autoincrement weekly :-)    (heh, better than never getting fixed!)
> Anyway, if anyone is serious about attempting a port, and has no easy way to
> get the latest and greatest on Amiga floppies, contact me and I'll
> see that you get a copy.
> -Fred
> -- 

I compiled up a copy of gdb for the Amiga - after looking through the
various undefined symbols, a few caveats come to mind for those 
considering a port:

	1. The version I have uses a yacc parser, so be sure to pick up
	   a copy of Bison before you start your porting effort.  Guess
	   Fred has a working copy on one of his later disks.  Fred?

	2. Call up Perry (ASDG) and order up some more memory for your
	   machine - the executable generated by our Sun cross compiler
	   system is roughly 250K bytes (text/bss/data) + whatever dynamic
	   memory required.

	3. Be prepared to resolve some of the more arcane Unix calls, for
	   example, ptrace().  Actually ptrace() isn't all that bad compared
	   to vfork/wait, etc.  Yes, you probably could Amiga'ize the code
	   completely, though this is unadvisable since as Fred mentioned,
	   the code is being improved constantly.

	4. Also be aware that you will have to "know thy compiler" w.r.t.
	   it's symbol table output - is this sort of information
	   documented (available?) in Manx/Lattice?

As for gdb itself, what can I say?  It is well worth the effort!

					Rick Spanbauer

PS.  Anyone have an X windows front end for gdb?