[comp.sys.amiga] more re: Mimetics, Pro MIDI Studio, and Copy Protection

nw@vaxine.UUCP (01/26/87)

In article <398@vaxine.UUCP>, nw@vaxine.UUCP (that's me) flames
mildly about Soundscape Pro MIDI Studio (PMS) being copy protected.
To which, Jeffrey Clesius has replied:
> Do people have a choice?  Maybe.  Look at DPaint.  Are there enough of us to 
> pressure Mimetics?  I doubt it.

I say we certainly do have a choice.  My Lattice C compiler costs about
the same as Mimetic's Pro MIDI Studio, is much more attractive to software
pirates (much larger audience), and is not copy protected.  Why?  Because
no one would buy a C compiler which is copy protected.  Could you imagine
having to insert a "key disk" every time you wanted to compile something?
(or, worse yet, having to type in some particular word from the manual?)

Yes, PMS is a powerful (and, currently, buggy) program.  So, you NEED the
manual to be able to do much useful with it.  The copy protection serves
no useful purpose, as far as I can tell.  I don't believe that Mimetics
would lose much money to piracy.

When it comes to copy protection, we have a choice: just say NO.

Neil Webber     Automatix Inc (or current resident)     Billerica MA