[comp.sys.amiga] EMAIL me on ST vs. AMIGA and leave the NET alone

jdg@elmgate.UUCP (01/28/87)

Listen,  I own both an ST and an Amiga.  I use and program both.  If the
original poster of the question who wanted EMAIL(!) responses would
simply write me by EMAIL I'll be more than happy to explain the good and
bad points as I see them.  I've had some experiance in this as I'm
constantly being asked "Which one do you like better?".  

I've done a pretty good job of avoiding a straight answer to that. 8^).

PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE.  Let's stop the McTribesmen, McSTian,
McAmigaian, war.  It's not worth it.  Nobody ever wins and everybody

Jeff Gortatowsky       {allegra,seismo}!rochester!kodak!elmgate!jdg
Eastman Kodak Company  
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