billk@crash.UUCP (02/03/87)

This is an Amiga programming question: (I have asked locally but no one had an
answer so I decided to try asking the rest of the world)

Does anyone have a working example of how to get the Console device to report
the current cursor position to you?  I have tried many times, following
different tidbits of information but have never been successful.  

I got so discouraged that I wrote some code to get a pointer to the Window
structure of the AmigaDOS, wrote some code to handle graphics text with a
GetXY and a GotoXY that accepted text-cursor locations instead of pixel
locations, and started doing graphics into the AmigaDOS window.

I would really like to be doing this via the Console device, however.  So, If
anyone has working code that will make the Console device report the current
cursor position, I would be very interested in seeing it!
Any language will do, though I would prefer Forth, Assembler, or C.

Bill Kelly      {akgua, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!pnet01!billk

dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP (02/04/87)

	RKM V-I.  Send a DEVICE-STATUS-REPORT to the console 
device ( 0x9B 0x6E   or  ESC [ 0x6E ). The cursor position report
is returned on the input stream as:


	example, if cursor is at column 40 and row 12:

	0x9B 0x34 0x30 0x3B 0x31 0x32 0x52

	To get the current window bounds, Send a WINDOW-STATUS-REPORT to
the console device ( 0x9B 0x71   or   ESC [ 0x71 ).  The bounds report
comes in as:

	<CSI>1;1;<bottom margin>;<right margin>r

	(top and left margins are always 11).  For a window that holds 20
lines and 60 columns, you get:

	0x9B 0x31 0x3B 0x31 0x3B 0x32 0x30 0x3B 0x36 0x30 0x73


carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP (02/04/87)

In article <755@crash.CTS.COM> billk@pnet01.CTS.COM (Bill Kelly) writes:
>Does anyone have a working example of how to get the Console device to report
>the current cursor position to you?  I have tried many times, following
>different tidbits of information but have never been successful.  

   I've never used the ESC sequence method of getting cursor position
reports in the read stream.  You don't say if you're in the CLI window
or in an Intuition window with a console.device.  This example shows
(among other things) how to get the pointer to the ConUnit structure
of the CLI window using a DiskInfo packet.  The ConUnit structure
contains lots of neat things, including current and maximum cursor
character positions.  

   If you're in an Intuition window with a console device attached,
you should be able to find the ConUnit pointer in YourIoRequest->io_Unit.

/* ConPackets.c -  C. Scheppner, A. Finkel, P. Lindsay  CBM
 *   DOS packet example
 *   Requires 1.2

#include "exec/types.h"
#include "exec/memory.h"
#include "libraries/dos.h"
#include "libraries/dosextens.h"
#include "devices/conunit.h"

#define DOSTRUE  -1L
#define DOSFALSE  0L

/* Used for checking version */
ULONG DosBase;

/* Globals initialized by findWindow() */
struct Window  *conWindow;
struct ConUnit *conUnit;

   LONG  infile;
   WORD  curX, curY;

      cleanexit("\nVersion 1.2 required\n");

   if((infile = Input()) <= 0)
      cleanexit("\nNo stdin ... Did you RUN this ???\n");

   if (! findWindow()) cleanexit("\nNot enough free memory\n");

   printf("\033[0 p\014");  /* Turn off cursor, home and clear */
   printf("Window = $%lx   ConUnit = $%lx\n\n",conWindow, conUnit);
   printf("CURSOR LIMITS:  XMax = %ld   YMax = %ld\n",
              conUnit->cu_XMax + 1, conUnit->cu_YMax + 1);
   curX = conUnit->cu_XCCP;
   curY = conUnit->cu_YCCP;
   printf("*<--- here cursor was at position %ld,%ld\n",curX,curY);

   /* Move to first position of last line and clear to EOL */
   printf("RAW MODE: Press ANY key...");
   printf(" Hex value = %02lx",(UBYTE)getchar());
   /* Maybe they pressed a string key - if so, get rest */
   while(WaitForChar(infile,100L)) printf(" %02lx",(UBYTE)getchar());

   printf("\nShort demo --- That's it\n");

   printf("\033[%ld;%0H\033[M", conUnit->cu_YMax + 1);

char *s;
   if(*s)    printf(s);    /* Print error */

   printf("\033[1 p\n"); /* Turn cursor on */
   if(DosBase) CloseLibrary(DosBase);

/* sendpkt code - A. Finkel, P. Lindsay, C. Scheppner  CBM */

LONG setRawCon(toggle)
LONG toggle;     /* DOSTRUE (-1L)  or  DOSFALSE (0L) */
   struct MsgPort *conid;
   struct Process *me;
   LONG myargs[8] ,nargs, res1;

   me = (struct Process *) FindTask(NULL);
   conid = (struct MsgPort *) me->pr_ConsoleTask;

   nargs = 1;
   res1 = (LONG)sendpkt(conid,ACTION_SCREEN_MODE,myargs,nargs);

LONG findWindow() /* inits conWindow and conUnit (global vars) */
   struct InfoData *id;
   struct MsgPort  *conid;
   struct Process  *me;
   LONG myargs[8] ,nargs, res1;

   /* Alloc to insure longword alignment */
   id = (struct InfoData *)AllocMem(sizeof(struct InfoData),
   if(! id) return(0);
   me = (struct Process *) FindTask(NULL);
   conid = (struct MsgPort *) me->pr_ConsoleTask;

   myargs[0]=((ULONG)id) >> 2;
   nargs = 1;
   res1 = (LONG)sendpkt(conid,ACTION_DISK_INFO,myargs,nargs);
   conWindow = (struct Window *)id->id_VolumeNode;
   conUnit = (struct ConUnit *)
                 ((struct IOStdReq *)id->id_InUse)->io_Unit;
   FreeMem(id,sizeof(struct InfoData));

LONG sendpkt(pid,action,args,nargs)
struct MsgPort *pid;  /* process indentifier ... (handlers message port ) */
LONG action,          /* packet type ... (what you want handler to do )   */
     args[],          /* a pointer to a argument list */
     nargs;           /* number of arguments in list  */
   struct MsgPort        *replyport;
   struct StandardPacket *packet;
   LONG  count, *pargs, res1;

   replyport = (struct MsgPort *) CreatePort(NULL,0);
   if(!replyport) return(NULL);

   packet = (struct StandardPacket *) 
      AllocMem((long)sizeof(struct StandardPacket),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);

   packet->sp_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Name = (char *)&(packet->sp_Pkt);
   packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Link         = &(packet->sp_Msg);
   packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Port         = replyport;
   packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Type         = action;

   /* copy the args into the packet */
   pargs = &(packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Arg1);       /* address of first argument */
   for(count=0;count < nargs;count++) 
   PutMsg(pid,packet); /* send packet */


   res1 = packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Res1;

   FreeMem(packet,(long)sizeof(struct StandardPacket));


Carolyn Scheppner -- CBM   >>Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra,caip,ihnp4,seismo}!cbmvax!carolyn 
                     PHONE 215-431-9180