[comp.sys.amiga] VT100 V2.6 fixes for Change Directory

daemon@rutgers.UUCP (03/01/87)

From: Steve Walton <ametek!walton@csvax.caltech.edu>

VT100 Version 2.6 does not handle CurrentDir correctly.  The code in vt100.c
and expand.c has fixes which were posted to the net some time back, but they
made the program work under Workbench but fail under CLI.  After looking
at the new code, I had an inspiration.
    In general, Workbench and CLI are sufficiently different that for any
substantial program, you must have at least some code which depends on
which one you're running under.  In the case of programs which do a CurrentDir
call, I have a quite general fix:  if you were started from Workbench,
	CurrentDir(DupLock(((struct Process *) FindTask(0L))->pr_CurrentDir));
as part of your initialization.  From then on, you are free to change
your current directory just as you would from a CLI-started program by
doing UnLock(CurrentDir(new_dir_lock)).  The specific changes to VT100
version 2.6 follow.  Lines marked *DEL* in the margin are to be deleted
and lines marked *INS* are to be inserted.  (Incidentally, this is a
partial output of a Modula-2 diff program which can also generate a script
for the AmigaDOS line-oriented editor "edit" to change an old file into
a new one.)

       char    MyDir[60];
*DEL*  struct  FileLock *MyDirLock = NULL;
*DEL*  struct  FileLock *StartLock = NULL;

           MyDir[0]  =     '\000';
*DEL*      StartLock = (struct FileLock *)((ULONG)((struct Process *)
*DEL*                      (FindTask(NULL)))->pr_CurrentDir);
*DEL*      MyDirLock = (struct FileLock *)DupLock(StartLock);
*INS*      /* If we started from the Workbench, we need to set our CurrentDir
*INS*       * to a DupLock on our startup current directory.  This is so that
*INS*       * future changes of directory by a simple UnLock(CurrentDir(Lock))
*INS*       * will work. Otherwise, we'd UnLock our startup directory, and so
*INS*       * would Workbench, and we'd hear about it from the Guru. */
*INS*      if (argc == 0) {
*INS*          BPTR StartLock;
*INS*          StartLock = ((struct Process *) FindTask(NULL))->pr_CurrentDir;
*INS*          CurrentDir(DupLock(StartLock));
*INS*      }                           /* Now we can do UnLock(CurrentDir(newdir)) */

*DEL*          if (MyDirLock != NULL) UnLock(MyDirLock);
                      if (fib->fib_DirEntryType > 0) {
*DEL*                      CurrentDir(lock);
*DEL*                      if (MyDirLock != NULL) UnLock(MyDirLock);
*DEL*                      MyDirLock = lock;
*INS*                      UnLock(CurrentDir(lock));
                           if (MyDir[strlen(MyDir)-1] == '/')

And there you are.
					Steve Walton