[comp.sys.amiga] Boot code. Help Needed

rouaix@inria.UUCP (03/13/87)

I would like to know what the amiga does when booting on a system disk.
The code lies in blocks 0 and 1 of bootable disks.
Has anyone a commented disassembly listing ?
It would be great. Thanks .

billk@pnet01.CTS.COM (Bill Kelly) (03/16/87)

Wait.  Let me take of my polarized glasses... There.  Now the screen flickers
but I can see the papers on my desk!

fouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) writes:

>I would like to know what the amiga does when booting on a system disk.

Ouch -- I'm gonna put my glasses back on.  Let's see: 

Here's what the Amiga does when it boots: 

It reads in the first two sectors from the disk.  It looks at the first
longword.  To boot, that has to equal 'DOS',0.  Then it does a checksum on the
bootblock (if you are going to write your own routine to make the checksum
check, (I did because I wrote my own bootblock and had to make the checksum
correct) be sure to use ADDX.L rather than just ADD.L so that you get the
carry included.) which must add up to zero.  If the checksum on the bootblock
is ok, it jumps to byte-location twelve in the bootblock with an opened
trackdisk.device IO request in register A1.  

The bootcode can trash any registers it wants to but do not close the
trackdisk.device it has opened for you.  Just use it if you want to.  When
your bootcode is through it has to do an RTS.  When you do the RTS you have to
set D0 and/or A0.  If you set D0 it ignores A0 and just puts up a GURU.  If
you clear D0, then it expects to be able to jump to the address it finds in

I don't have a commented disassembley of the normal DOS bootcode, but it is
EXTREMELY simple.  It gets a pointer to the Exec library from location four.
Then it calls FindResident(dos.library)  (It calls the Exec routine caled
FindResident, and "dos.library" is the name it supplies)  I believe it then
does a TST.L with the result of the FindResident.  If the result is zero it
puts #$FFFFFFFF into D0.  Otherwise, it clears D0 and puts the result of
FindResident into A0 so that when it does an RTS the bootcode loader will do a
JSR (a0) instead of calling the Exec Alert. (alias GURU)

NOTE: This was all typed-in from memory, but it was only a couple of weeks ago
that I was messing around with my own bootcode, so I believe it's all fairly
accurate information.

'Hope it helped,
Bill Kelly              {akgua, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax}!crash!pnet01!billk

hamilton@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (03/16/87)

/* Written 10:34 am  Mar 13, 1987 by rouaix@inria.UUCP in uxc.cso.uiuc.edu:comp.sys.amiga */
/* ---------- "Boot code. Help Needed" ---------- */
I would like to know what the amiga does when booting on a system disk.
The code lies in blocks 0 and 1 of bootable disks.
Has anyone a commented disassembly listing ?
It would be great. Thanks .
/* End of text from uxc.cso.uiuc.edu:comp.sys.amiga */

    not much there.  slightly paraphrased, it's:

			lea	DosName(pc),a1
			jsr	LVOFindResident(a6)
			tst.l	d0
			beq	fail		fail, return nonzero
			move.l	d0,a0
			move.l	22(a0),a0	a0 = a0->rt_Init
			moveq	#0,d0		succeed, return 0
	return		rts
	fail		moveq	#$FF,d0
			bra	return
	DosName		dc.b	"dos.library"

	wayne hamilton
	U of Il and US Army Corps of Engineers CERL
UUCP:	ihnp4!uiucuxc!hamilton
ARPA:	hamilton%uiucuxc@a.cs.uiuc.edu	USMail:	Box 476, Urbana, IL 61801
CSNET:	hamilton%uiucuxc@uiuc.csnet	Phone:	(217)333-8703
CIS:    [73047,544]			PLink: w hamilton