[comp.sys.amiga] Date from TimeStamp

rokicki@rocky.UUCP (03/21/87)

Someone asked how to get the month and day information from the
DateStamp.  Here's a program I cooked up, what, a year ago? to
do exactly that; this is its second posting to the net.  Note that
the original program would have broken in 2006 if compiled with
short ints on Manx; this version will not break until March 1, 2100.
This and many other useful programs can be found in the Programmer's
Guide to the Amiga by Rhobert A. Peck.  :-)                     -tom
char *months[] = {"", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
   "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November",
   "December"} ;
main() {
   long v[3] ;
   DateStamp(v) ;
   ShowDate(v) ;
long *v ;
   long n ;
   int m, d, y ;

   n = v[0] - 2251 ;
   y = (4 * n + 3) / 1461 ;
   n -= 1461 * (long)y / 4 ;
   y += 1984 ;
   m = (5 * n + 2) / 153 ;
   d = n - (153 * m + 2) / 5 + 1 ;
   m += 3 ;
   if (m > 12) {
      y++ ;
      m -= 12 ;
   printf("%s %d, %d\n", months[m], d, y) ;