[comp.sys.amiga] DropCloth + DropShadow = Wo!

perry@well.UUCP (03/25/87)

Using Eric Lavitsky and Perry's DropCloth in conjunction with Jim McKraz's
DropShadow is simply beautiful.

You've got to try it. Run dropcloth 26 and dropshadow together on your
workbench screen.

Jim, nice work - really. I'm really sorry I didn't write this one. (and
from a Jewish Deli owner, that's a rave :-) (remember those old rye bread


blgardne@esunix.UUCP (03/27/87)

in article <2829@well.UUCP>, perry@well.UUCP says:
> Using Eric Lavitsky and Perry's DropCloth in conjunction with Jim McKraz's
> DropShadow is simply beautiful.
> You've got to try it. Run dropcloth 26 and dropshadow together on your
> workbench screen.

DropShadow? Did I miss this one? What does it do? How about a posting?
Blaine Gardner @ Evans & Sutherland
UUCP Address:   {ihnp4,decvax}!decwrl!esunix!blgardne
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