[comp.sys.amiga] Where to get external floppy?

jmpiazza@sunybcs.UUCP (03/20/87)

I posted this request a few weeks ago and I've had NO responses.

	Where is a good place (low price, timely delivery, reliability;
availability -- see below) to purchase an external floppy?

	From postings I've seen, a Panasonics seem to be better (quieter,
low power consumption) than the NECs.  Is there any reason to choose the NEC
over the Panasonic?

	Where to get Panasonic drive?

Please respond via email -- I'll summarize and post (assuming I get any


	joe piazza

--- Cogito ergo equus sum.

CS Dept. SUNY at Buffalo 14260
(716) 636-3191, 3180

UU: ...{rocksvax|decvax}!sunybcs!jmpiazza
CS: jmpiazza@buffalo-cs
BI: jmpiazza@sunybcs
GE: jmpiazza

jmpiazza@sunybcs.UUCP (03/31/87)

In article <2636@sunybcs.UUCP> jmpiazza@sunybcs.UUCP (Joseph M. Piazza) writes:
>I posted this request a few weeks ago and I've had NO responses.

	After this second posting I received one request for a summary.

	P l e a s e  respond.  I now have the money in hand (well, make that
a tax return check in hand).  If email doesn't get through and you have a
substantial response, please post.

	We continue with the original request:

	Where is a good place (low price, timely delivery, reliability;
availability -- see below) to purchase an external floppy?

	From postings I've seen, a Panasonics seem to be better (quieter,
low power consumption) than the NECs.  Is there any reason to choose the NEC
over the Panasonic?

	Where to get Panasonic drive?

Please respond via email -- I'll summarize and post (assuming I get any


	joe piazza

--- Cogito ergo equus sum.

CS Dept. SUNY at Buffalo 14260
(716) 636-3191, 3180

UU: ...{rocksvax|decvax}!sunybcs!jmpiazza
CS: jmpiazza@buffalo-cs
BI: jmpiazza@sunybcs
GE: jmpiazza