[comp.sys.amiga] PROFF

uh2@psuvm.bitnet.UUCP (01/25/87)

I am having trouble with proff and my Prowriter printer.  The Prowriterm
doesn't backspace very well, so underline and bold don't work.

I don't have a C compiler, and probably don't have the time to "fix"
proff anyway.  Has someone modified proff to read some kind of ne of
printer-initialization file for printer control codes--or maybe better,
to produce output with Amigoid printer controls so the usual copy to
prt: command will work?

Oh yeah--proff is from an early fish disk, and I am using a "pirated"
version of Official Release 1.2 because I have never yet found a dealer
with one for sale.


cmcmanis@sun.UUCP (01/26/87)

In article <9835UH2@PSUVM>, UH2@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
> I am having trouble with proff and my Prowriter printer...
> 							... or maybe better,
> to produce output with Amigoid printer controls so the usual copy to
> prt: command will work?
> lee

Yes, I modified Proff to use the Amiga Printer codes rather than the
funky backspace-print-backspace-print stuff. I also added the ability
to use italics (a .it command like .bd or .ul) It wasn't that tough
I will post the diffs later this week.

--Chuck McManis
uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis   BIX: cmcmanis  ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com
These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you.

mark@unisec.UUCP (04/07/87)

Would some kind soul mail me the sources to PROFF for the Amiga?  
Thanks in advance.


| Mark R. Rinfret, SofTech, Inc.		mark@unisec.usi.com |
| Guest of UniSecure Systems, Inc., Newport, RI                     |
| UUCP:  {gatech|mirror|cbosgd|uiucdcs|ihnp4}!rayssd!unisec!mark    |
| work: (401)-849-4174	home: (401)-846-7639                        |

tony@artecon.UUCP (04/08/87)

In article <456@unisec.USI.COM> mark@unisec.USI.COM (Mark Rinfret) writes:
>Would some kind soul mail me the sources to PROFF for the Amiga?  

Didn't someone post that they had created a version that used the
Amiga print codes instead of doing the generic backspacing method
of underlineing and bolding.

I would be nice if that version were posted.

-- Tony
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*  Tony Parkhurst -- {hplabs|sdcsvax|ncr-sd|hpfcla|ihnp4}!hp-sdd!artecon!adp  *
*                -OR-      hp-sdd!artecon!adp@nosc.ARPA                       *