[comp.sys.amiga] Snapshot BUG

rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) (04/19/87)

Snapshot seems to behave very strangely. I think you should be able to get
it running with HIDE.
I will clean the sources and post them as soon as possible so that a fix
can be done.
I would like to get a copy of the new IFF routine I need to save the image.
(too long to wait for the normal distribution of Fish disks in France).

Sorry for all this troubles.

carolyn@cbmvax.cbm.UUCP (Carolyn Scheppner CATS) (04/21/87)

In article <443@inria.UUCP> rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) writes:
>Snapshot seems to behave very strangely. I think you should be able to get
>it running with HIDE.
>I will clean the sources and post them as soon as possible so that a fix
>can be done.
>I would like to get a copy of the new IFF routine I need to save the image.
>(too long to wait for the normal distribution of Fish disks in France).

   The EA supplied PutPict.c code still only saves a generic minimal ILBM
with no Amiga-specific CAMG chunk.

   Here is a listing of my latest ScreenSave.c which contains the
modifications necessary for saving a CAMG chunk in an ILBM.
Note that this is not a stand-alone program.  It must be linked with
the normal ILBM and IFF writer modules.  This example is also on
our latest release of the IFF disk (also available from Fred Fish).

   The relevant changes for saving the CAMG chunk are fairly simple.

1. The typedef defining the CAMG chunk
2. The PutCAMG macro for writing a CAMG chunk
3. Getting the ViewModes from the viewport
4. PutPicture() modified to receive viewmodes and pass it on to PutAnILBM()
5. PutAnILBM() modified to receive viewmodes, set up a CAMG chunk
   (locally defined I think), and to PutCAMG the chunk

   (I hope that's all of them.  If you have any problems, email me)

   It should be pretty easy for you to pick these things out of ScreenSave
and put them in your code.  Don't worry about the rest of my example.
Most of the other additional code in ScreenSave is for saving an icon
for the file and for open/close of an AmigaDOS stdio window under Workbench. 

 *  ScreenSave.c --  Carolyn Scheppner  CBM  10/86
 *                   Saves front screen as ILBM file
 *                   Saves a CAMG chunk for HAM, etc.
 *                   Creates icon for ILBM file
 *     Uses IFF rtns by J.Morrison and S.Shaw of Electronic Arts
 *       (all C code including IFF modules compiled with -v on LC2)
 * Linkage information:
 * FROM     AStartup.obj, ScreenSave.o, iffw.o, ilbmw.o, packer.o
 * TO       ScreenSave
 * LIBRARY  Amiga.lib, LC.lib

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#include <graphics/rastport.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <graphics/view.h>

#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
#include <workbench/workbench.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>

#include <iff/ilbm.h>

/* From AStartup */
extern  LONG  stdin, stdout, stderr;

/* CAMG Stuff */
typedef struct {
   ULONG ViewModes;
   } CamgChunk;

#define PutCAMG(context, camg)  \
    PutCk(context, ID_CAMG, sizeof(CamgChunk),(BYTE *)camg)

#define bufSize 512

/* Other Stuff */
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
struct GfxBase       *GfxBase;
ULONG  IconBase;

struct Screen   *frontScreen;

struct ViewPort *picViewPort;
struct BitMap   *picBitMap;
WORD            *picColorTable;
ULONG            picViewModes;
BOOL fromWB, newStdio;

#define INBUFSZ 40
char sbuf[INBUFSZ];
char nbuf[INBUFSZ];

char conSpec[] = "CON:0/40/639/160/ ScreenSave ";

/* Definitions for ILBM Icon */
USHORT  ILBMimagedata[] = {
 0xFFFF, 0xFFFC,
 0xC000, 0x000C,
 0xC000, 0x000C,
 0xC1E7, 0x9E0C,
 0xC1F8, 0x7E0C,
 0xC078, 0x780C,
 0xC187, 0x860C,
 0xC078, 0x780C,
 0xC1F8, 0x7E0C,
 0xC1E7, 0x9E0C,
 0xC000, 0x000C,
 0xC000, 0x000C,
 0xFFFF, 0xFFFC,
 0x0000, 0x0000,
 0x0000, 0x0000,
 0xFFFF, 0xFFFC,
 0xFFFF, 0xFFFC,
 0xF800, 0x007C,
 0xF9E0, 0x1E7C,
 0xF980, 0x067C,
 0xF807, 0x807C,
 0xF81F, 0xE07C,
 0xF807, 0x807C,
 0xF980, 0x067C,
 0xF9E0, 0x1E7C,
 0xF800, 0x007C,
 0xFFFF, 0xFFFC,
 0xFFFF, 0xFFFC,
 0x0000, 0x0000,
 0x0000, 0x0000,

struct Image ILBMimage = {
   0,0,                     /* Leftedge, Topedge */
   30,15,                   /* Width Height */
   2,                       /* Depth */
   &ILBMimagedata[0],       /* Data for image */
   3,0                      /* PlanePick, PlaneOnOff */

struct DiskObject ILBMobject = {

   /* Gadget Structure */
   NULL,                    /* Ptr to next gadget */
   0,0,                     /* Leftedge, Topedge */
   30,15,                   /* Width, Height */
   GADGHBOX|GADGIMAGE,      /* Flags */
   BOOLGADGET,              /* Type */
   (APTR)&ILBMimage,        /* Render */
   NULL,                    /* Select Render */
   NULL,                    /* Text */
   NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,     /* Exclude, Special, ID, UserData */

   4,                       /* WBObject type */
   ":Display",              /* Default tool */
   NULL,                    /* Tool Types */
   NO_ICON_POSITION,        /* Current X */
   NO_ICON_POSITION,        /* Current Y */
   NULL,NULL,NULL,          /* Drawer, ToolWindow, Stack */

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
   LONG            file;
   IFFP            iffp = NO_FILE;
   char            *filename;
   int l;

   newStdio = FALSE;
   fromWB = (argc==0) ? TRUE : FALSE;

   if((fromWB) && (!(newStdio = openStdio(&conSpec[0]))))

   if ((IntuitionBase =
      (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0))==NULL)
         cleanexit("Can't open intuition.library\n");

   if ((GfxBase =
      (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0))==NULL)
      cleanexit("Can't open graphics.library\n");

   if ((IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library",0))==NULL )
      cleanexit("Can't open icon.library\n");

   printf("ScreenSave --- C. Scheppner  CBM  10/86\n");
   printf("   Saves the front screen as an IFF ILBM file\n");
   printf("   A CAMG chunk is saved (for HAM pics, etc.)\n\n");

   if(argc>1)                 /* Passed filename via command line  */
      filename = argv[1];
      printf("Enter filename for save: ");
      l = gets(&nbuf[0]);

      if(l==0)                /* No filename - Exit */
         cleanexit("\nScreen not saved, filename required\n");
         filename = &nbuf[0];

   if (!(file = Open(filename, MODE_NEWFILE)))
      cleanexit("Can't open output file\n");
   Write(file,"x",1);  /* 1.1 so Seek to beginning works ? */

   printf("Click here and press <RETURN> when ready: ");
   printf("Front screen will be saved in 10 seconds\n");

   frontScreen  = IntuitionBase->FirstScreen;

   picViewPort = &( frontScreen->ViewPort );
   picBitMap = (struct BitMap*)picViewPort->RasInfo->BitMap;
   picColorTable = (WORD *)picViewPort->ColorMap->ColorTable;
   picViewModes = (ULONG)picViewPort->Modes;


   iffp = PutPicture(file, picBitMap, picColorTable, picViewModes);

   if (iffp == IFF_OKAY)
      printf("Screen saved\n");
         cleanexit("Error saving icon\n");
      printf("Icon saved\n");

   char  *s;
   if(*s) printf(s);
   if ((fromWB)&&(*s))    /* Wait so user can read messages */
      printf("\nPRESS RETURN TO EXIT\n");

   if (newStdio)  closeStdio();
   if (GfxBase) CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
   if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
   if (IconBase) CloseLibrary(IconBase);

char *conspec;
   LONG wfile;
   struct Process *proc;
   struct FileHandle *handle;

   if (!(wfile = Open(conspec,MODE_NEWFILE)))  return(0);
   stdin  = wfile;
   stdout = wfile;
   stderr = wfile;
   handle = (struct FileHandle *)(wfile << 2);
   proc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
   proc->pr_ConsoleTask = (APTR)(handle->fh_Type);
   proc->pr_CIS = (BPTR)stdin;
   proc->pr_COS = (BPTR)stdout;

   struct Process *proc;
   struct FileHandle *handle;

   if (stdin > 0)  Close(stdin);
   stdin  = -1;
   stdout = -1;
   stderr = -1;
   handle = (struct FileHandle *)(stdin << 2);
   proc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
   proc->pr_ConsoleTask = NULL;
   proc->pr_CIS = NULL;
   proc->pr_COS = NULL;

char *s;
   int l = 0, max = INBUFSZ - 1;

   while (((*s = getchar()) !='\n' )&&(l < max)) s++, l++;
   *s = NULL;

/* String Functions */

char *s;
   int i = 0;
   while(*s++) i++;

char *to, *from;
      *to++ = *from;

/** PutPicture() ***********************************************************
 * Put a picture into an IFF file.
 * This procedure calls PutAnILBM, passing in an <x, y> location of <0, 0>,
 * a NULL mask, and a locally-allocated buffer. It also assumes you want to
 * write out all the bitplanes in the BitMap.
Point2D nullPoint = {0, 0};

IFFP PutPicture(file, bitmap, colorMap, viewmodes)
      LONG file;  struct BitMap *bitmap;
      WORD *colorMap;  ULONG viewmodes;
   BYTE buffer[bufSize];
   return( PutAnILBM(file, bitmap, NULL,
           colorMap, bitmap->Depth, viewmodes,
           &nullPoint, buffer, bufSize) );

/** PutAnILBM() ************************************************************
 * Write an entire BitMap as a FORM ILBM in an IFF file.
 * This version works for any display mode (C. Scheppner).
 * Normal return result is IFF_OKAY.
 * The utility program IFFCheck would print the following outline of the
 * resulting file:
 *     BMHD
 *     CAMG
 *     CMAP
 *     BODY       (compressed)
#define CkErr(expression)  {if (ifferr == IFF_OKAY) ifferr = (expression);}

IFFP PutAnILBM(file, bitmap, mask, colorMap, depth,
                                viewmodes, xy, buffer, bufsize)
      LONG file;
      struct BitMap *bitmap;
      BYTE *mask;  WORD *colorMap; UBYTE depth;
      ULONG viewmodes;
      Point2D *xy; BYTE *buffer;  LONG bufsize;
   BitMapHeader bmHdr;
   CamgChunk    camgChunk;
   GroupContext fileContext, formContext;
   IFFP ifferr;
   WORD pageWidth, pageHeight;

   pageWidth  = (bitmap->BytesPerRow) << 3;
   pageHeight = bitmap->Rows;

   ifferr = InitBMHdr(&bmHdr, bitmap, mskNone,
                      cmpByteRun1, 0, pageWidth, pageHeight);
   /* You could write an uncompressed image by passing cmpNone instead
    * of cmpByteRun1 to InitBMHdr. */
   bmHdr.nPlanes = depth;   /* This must be  <= bitmap->Depth */
   if (mask != NULL) bmHdr.masking = mskHasMask;
   bmHdr.x = xy->x;   bmHdr.y = xy->y;

   camgChunk.ViewModes = viewmodes;

   CkErr( OpenWIFF(file, &fileContext, szNotYetKnown) );
   CkErr(StartWGroup(&fileContext, FORM, szNotYetKnown, ID_ILBM, &formContext));

   CkErr( PutBMHD(&formContext, &bmHdr) );
   CkErr( PutCAMG(&formContext, &camgChunk) );
   CkErr( PutCMAP(&formContext, colorMap, depth) );
   CkErr( PutBODY(&formContext, bitmap, mask, &bmHdr, buffer, bufsize) );

   CkErr( EndWGroup(&formContext) );
   CkErr( CloseWGroup(&fileContext) );
   return( ifferr );
Carolyn Scheppner -- CBM   >>Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra,caip,ihnp4,seismo}!cbmvax!carolyn 
                     PHONE 215-431-9180