[comp.sys.amiga] Lookie what came in the mail...

mwm@eris.UUCP (04/23/87)

From "Computer Mail Order," on the second page:

Introducing the revolutionary, new...

AMIGA 2000 Computer System

Includes: A2000, 1MB RAM, builtin floppy, 1080 monitor (huh?), 2088 PC-XT
bridge card, mouse, amiga dos. $1999

And they expect to have them by mid-May. Right.

New? Yes. Revolutionary? If you can call adding support for an
obsolote machine to 2-year old hardware revolutionary, I've got
waterfront property in Florida.

Oh well, at least it's getting sold with all the PC clones, instead of
being ignored.

Take a magic carpet to the olden days			Mike Meyer
To a mythical land where everybody lays			ucbvax!mwm
Around in the clouds in a happy daze			mwm@berkeley.edu
In Kizmiaz ... Kizmiaz					mwm@ucbjade.BITNET