wtm@bunker.UUCP (Bill McGarry) (08/02/86)
I am posting the following request on behalf of Mark Hilliard. Please send all mail directly to Mark if possible (Otherwise I will forward all mail to him). This request originally appeared in the Handicapped Digest but I am posting it to the net in hopes of getting more input. Bill McGarry (Moderator-Handicapped Digest) Bunker Ramo, Trumbull, CT {decvax, philabs, ittatc, fortune}!bunker!wtm (203) 386-2749 P.S. In case you are wondering, the Handicapped Digest is a mailing list for/about handicapped people, dealing not only with computer- related topics but also with other topics such as employment, education, legal, etc. If you are interested in being on the mailing list or would like more information, please contact me at: {decvax, philabs, ittatc, fortune}!bunker!wtm *********************************************************************** [Article submitted by Mark Hilliard] I am going to do a survey on what disabled people would most like to see in the way of software SOLUTIONS that would make access to a system easier and less time consuming. I will concentrate on physically (inablilty to use a keyboard) and visual disabilities, but would appreciate input on ANY disability. All inputs to this survey will be compiled and re-submitted back to the group for comments. HOPEFULLY these inputs will eventually be incorporated into software packages being investigated for development by a new company in New York targeting the 7300 and MS-DOS machines. Items currently under investigation are: 1. Voice output devices ie DECTALK 2. Trained voice input devices ie INTERSTATE 3. Macro keyboards 4. Total system control via a MOUSE or JOYSTICK 5. Text scanning input devices 6. Head movement detectors 7. ??? Please send any responses to : !seismo!rochester!kodak!hill Thanks in advance, I know that very few people have gone out and asked disabled people for their inputs so every thing submitted will be publicized for all to see. Mark Hilliard