[comp.sys.amiga] "repfont" source and executable

kim@amdahl.amdahl.com (Kim DeVaughn) (05/18/87)

[ For all you do ... this line's for you ... ]

Attached is a shar of the "repfont" program that I mentioned in the
discussion of BlitzFonts/FastFonts.

I downloaded this from the Lattice support BBS, and have successfully
used it under the released 1.2.  Also included a a couple more fonts
that were done by the program's author, Eric <didn't give his last name>.

The fonts are quite nice ... alot like the "pearl.font" that Mike Portuesi
posted, and which I find preferable.  BTW, if anyone has a complete IBM
PC font (or even a partial one), I'd really appreciate a copy.

WARNING:  The program itself is called "test" and does some hacking of the
          System Font List.  Some applications may not appreciate or tolerate
          this, so BEWARE ... this should be treated as EXPERIMENTAL HACKER
          CODE, and may cause a Guru when you least expect (and want) one!!!

          You have been warned.

A final note: the file "ericbd.font.uu" should really be "ericbd.font.uue",
however due to UNIX(R) SysV braindamage, file names can only be 14 characters
long ... grrrrrr!  It'll still uudecode OK though ...

There should be a .signature at the end of this ... if not, you didn't get
it all!


# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# 8.uue 8b.uue README README.TOO ericbd.font.uu erics.font.uue install test.c test.uue

echo x - 8.uue
cat > "8.uue" << '//E*O*F 8.uue//'
begin 755 8
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//E*O*F 8.uue//

echo x - 8b.uue
cat > "8b.uue" << '//E*O*F 8b.uue//'
begin 755 8b
M   #\P         !              $\   #Z0   3QP $YU           ,
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//E*O*F 8b.uue//

echo x - README
cat > "README" << '//E*O*F README//'
NOTE: The program and fonts in this arc set were developed using version
1.2 beta 4. I don't know if these work under 1.1  I hope they work on other
systems such as the real 1.2 release.

The program contained herein permits the installation of a font to replace
the default 80 column topaz font. I wanted to see if I could improve the
quality of the Amiga color monitor's text output since everyone tells me
its the fact that a monochrome monitor can overlap pixels that makes it
look so much better. So I tried to create a font that does not have any
serifs (those little curly cues on the end of letters) and was as straight
as possible so the pixels would appear to overlap more. You can be the
judge as to whether I was successful. The fonts that are included were
built using the 1.2 fonteditor on the developers kit. You will notice that
the bold font (ericbd) has extra bold [], and (), which I like when editing
a program. It makes it much easier to see nested braces and parens. You may
also wish to play with different colors thru preferences.

Note that after running the program, only new windows and screens that call
for the topaz font will use the new font. Old windows will remain using the
original rom topaz font.

This arc file contains:

                test.c          |  source program to replace topaz.font
                test            |  executable of above

                ericbd.font     |  a sample font (bold)
                        8b      |  the font file for above
                eric.font       |  a skinny font
                        8       |  the font file for above
                install         |  a command file to install fonts

In order to use the fonts, they must be moved to the fonts: directory, and
create a subdirectory for each font file.

For example,

                copy ericbd.font   fonts:
                makedir            fonts:ericbd
                copy 8b            fonts:ericbd/8b

                copy erics.font    fonts:
                makedir            fonts:erics
                copy 8             fonts:erics/8

(these commands exist in a file called install in this arc)

The program test, will patch into memory a font you specify on the command

                test    ericbd.font

will read in the font ericbd/8b and then UNLINK ALL fonts preceding the
newly installed ericbd/8b font. Actually, test should be run only just
after startup and before any other fonts are loaded, (or I can't say for
sure if it will work properly - look at the code to see how it forces
itself into the system font list). Once set, you lose a little memory and
cannot go back until you reboot. You can however, run the command again on
a  different font before rebooting. I made no effort to be sure this code
is bulletproof; I simply wanted to see how an alternate font would look. As
I think about it, you had better name your font with 5 or more letters or
the overwriting with topaz might corrupt something. I would like to see a
preferences option in the future to allow this font change.

Test.c is built using Manx with nothing special:

                cc test
                ln test.o -lc



echo x - README.TOO
cat > "README.TOO" << '//E*O*F README.TOO//'
This arc (016) file contains a short C (manx) program in source and exe
form that takes a CLI command:

           1> test myfont.font

and hacks the system font list  to where myfont.font replaces the 80
column topaz.font (until you reboot). On the next window creation within a
program, any window that would ordinarily use the default system topaz
font, will use myfont.font instead. This is useful for changing the font
used by programs for which you don't have the sources, such as a text
processor or the Amiga Cli and workbench (if run before loadwb). Included
is a couple of fonts that I have been playing around with. One in
particular is a sans serif font I like for programming since it makes ()
and [] very bold. By the way, the fonteditor with the 1.2 developers kit
is fantastic. I hope its there for those without a developer connection.

The code to insert myfont.font is very quick/dirty so if you plan to use
it for other than test purposes, it would be wise to enhance it a bit. I
would like to see a PREFERENCES option for setting the default font; if
you agree then please write to C. A. and ask for this in 1.3.


echo x - ericbd.font.uu
cat > "ericbd.font.uu" << '//E*O*F ericbd.font.uu//'
begin 755 ericbd.font
M#P   65R:6-B9"\X8@                                          
G                                                " )#
//E*O*F ericbd.font.uu//

echo x - erics.font.uue
cat > "erics.font.uue" << '//E*O*F erics.font.uue//'
begin 755 erics.font
M#P   65R:6-S+S@                                             
G                                                " !#
//E*O*F erics.font.uue//

echo x - install
cat > "install" << '//E*O*F install//'
copy ericbd.font   fonts:
makedir            fonts:ericbd
copy 8b		   fonts:ericbd/8b
copy erics.font    fonts:
makedir            fonts:erics
copy 8		   fonts:erics/8
//E*O*F install//

echo x - test.c
cat > "test.c" << '//E*O*F test.c//'
#include <exec/ports.h>
#include <exec/nodes.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/exec.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <graphics/text.h>
#include <graphics/regions.h>
#include <graphics/copper.h>
#include <graphics/gels.h>
#include <devices/serial.h>
#include <devices/keymap.h>
#include <hardware/blit.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
#include <devices/timer.h>
#include <exec/libraries.h>

	Eric's macros, makes C into modern language 
	function is null - used so we have an easy 
        way to search for functions 
#define function
#define then {
#define els } else {
#define fi }
#define rof }
#define elsif } else if
#define or ||
#define and &&
#define z if (0==1)

struct DiskfontBase       *DiskfontBase;
struct GfxBase            *GfxBase;
extern long               *OpenLibrary();
extern struct TextFont    *OpenDiskFont();

function main (argc,argv) int argc; char **argv;  {
	struct TextFont *fontptr;
	static struct TextAttr ericfont = {(STRPTR)"ericbd.font",8L,0L,0L};
	long int ecode = 0; 
	struct Message *m1;  /* travel thru structures to the name */
	struct Node    *n1;
	char           *c1; 

	if (argc < 2 ) then
	    printf("Usage: %s fontname\n",argv[0]);
	    ericfont.ta_Name = (STRPTR) argv[1];
	printf("replace topaz.font with |%s|\n",argv[1]);

	DiskfontBase = (struct DiskfontBase *) OpenLibrary("diskfont.library",0L);
	if ( DiskfontBase == NULL) then
		printf("can't open disk font library\n");
		ecode = 20L;
		goto  exiter;

	GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *) OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0L);
	if ( GfxBase == NULL) then
		printf("can't open graphics library\n");
		ecode = 21L;
		goto  exiter;
	fontptr = (struct TextFont *) OpenDiskFont(&ericfont); 
	if (fontptr == 0) then
   		printf("can't open font\n");
		ecode = 21L;
		goto  exiter;
/*  printf("gfxbase = %08lx   %08lx\n",GfxBase,&GfxBase->TextFonts);        */
/*  printf("gfxbase = %08lx   %08lx\n",GfxBase,&GfxBase->DefaultFont);      */
/*  printf("fontptr = %08lx   %08lx\n",fontptr,GfxBase->TextFonts.lh_Head); */

	GfxBase->TextFonts.lh_Head  = (struct Node *) fontptr;
	m1 = &fontptr->tf_Message;  /* find name of our font */
	n1 = &m1->mn_Node;
	c1 = n1->ln_Name;	    /* address of string into c1 */
/*  printf("m1 = %08lx n1 = %08lx c1 = %08lx\n",m1,n1,c1);  */
	GfxBase->DefaultFont = fontptr;
	movmem("topaz.font",c1,(short)11); /* overwrite name of ericbd.font */
	ecode = 0;
	goto exiter;

/*  	if (fontptr)      CloseFont(fontptr);          leave open forever */
  	if (DiskfontBase) CloseLibrary(DiskfontBase);
  	if (GfxBase)      CloseLibrary(GfxBase);

//E*O*F test.c//

echo x - test.uue
cat > "test.uue" << '//E*O*F test.uue//'
begin 755 test
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echo Possible errors detected by \'wc\' [hopefully none]:
trap "rm -f $temp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
     33    350   1854 8.uue
     33    325   1855 8b.uue
     74    510   3181 README
     22    207   1136 README.TOO
      9     13    392 ericbd.font.uu
      9     13    391 erics.font.uue
      6     16    168 install
    106    325   2910 test.c
    121    673   7309 test.uue
    413   2432  19196 total
wc  8.uue 8b.uue README README.TOO ericbd.font.uu erics.font.uue install test.c test.uue | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp -
exit 0

UUCP:  kim@amdahl.amdahl.com
  or:  {sun,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,ihnp4,seismo,oliveb,cbosgd}!amdahl!kim
DDD:   408-746-8462
USPS:  Amdahl Corp.  M/S 249,  1250 E. Arques Av,  Sunnyvale, CA 94086
CIS:   76535,25