[comp.sys.amiga] How to figure out how long a file is.

scotty@l5comp.UUCP (Scott Turner) (05/28/87)

I've noticed in several programs that need to figure out how long a file is, for
whatever reason, that in almost every case I've seen I see the following:
[Please excuse the pseudo code]

	FileLock := Lock( FileName);
	new( FileInfo);
	Examine( FileLock, FileInfo);
	Length := FileInfo^.FileLength;
	dispose( FileInfo);
	UnLock( FileLock);
	FileHandle := Open( FileName);
	Read( FileHandle, buffer, Length);
	Close( FileHandle);

However, I do the following:

	FileHandle := Open( FileName);
	Toss := Seek( FileHandle, 0, ModeFromEOF);
	Length := Seek( FileHandle, 0, ModeFromBegin);
	Read( FileHandle, buffer, Length);
	Close( FileHandle);

My method has numerous advantages, and as far as I can tell the seeks are
logical, they don't get physical unless you actually try to read/write something
ie they just move the active file position thingie.

Is there something everyone else seems to know that I don't???

Just curious.

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Scott Turner

L5 Computing, the home of Merlin, Arthur, Excalibur and the CRAM.
GEnie: JST | UUCP: stride!l5comp!scotty | 12311 Maplewood Ave; Edmonds WA 98020
If Motorola had wanted us to use BPTR's they'd have built in shifts on A regs
[ BCPL? Just say *NO*! ] (I don't smoke, send flames to /dev/aleale