[net.wanted] draw format on Macintosh

rolfs@kvvax4.UUCP (Rolf Skatteboe) (08/20/86)

I'am working with the Macintosh in connection with a VAX750 and file transfer
between these machines. MacPaint files on Macintosh has been decoded and
transferred to the VAX(thanks to an article in MacTutor).

The next area is  MacDraw files. I would be very pleased if anyone out there
could tell me the Mrawraw bit-format or tell me where to get it.My local
efforts has not succseeded.


KVATRO, Tr.heim,Norway

zben@umd5 (Ben Cranston) (08/23/86)

In article <339@kvvax4.UUCP> rolfs@kvvax4.UUCP (Rolf Skatteboe) writes:

> The next area is  MacDraw files. I would be very pleased if anyone out there
> could tell me the Mrawraw bit-format or tell me where to get it.My local
> efforts has not succseeded.

There is a header file that documents much of the format, though there
are a lot of "I don't know" fields.  I got it from the archive at sumex,
but I notice there is a copy in macserve@bitnic for the bitnet people...
                    umd5.UUCP    <= {seismo!umcp-cs,ihnp4!rlgvax}!cvl!umd5!zben
Ben Cranston zben @ umd2.UMD.EDU    Kingdom of Merryland Sperrows 1100/92
                    umd2.BITNET     "via HASP with RSCS"