[net.wanted] BITNET software for Unix

wedgingt@udenva.UUCP (Will Edgington/Ejeo) (08/09/86)

  Does *ANYONE* out there know *ANYTHING* about BITNET software
for Unix ??  All I've been able to find out from all other sources
(including BITNET sites running VMS) is that there's a package
called "UREP" that was apparently written by David Eckhardt (sp?)
at Pennsylvania State University and that there are two other
packages called "HOMEBREW" and "BERKHASP" written at UCBerkeley.
  Does anyone know whether any of these are still available ?  If
so, how does one go about getting them ?  Are there any others out
there ?  How good are they ?  CPU hogs ?  Buggy ?
  Note that I don't care what version of Unix it runs on.  I want to
know anything and everything even remotely applicable.  When replies
trickle off, I'll post a summary.
  *ANY* help is greatly appreciated !!  If you know somebody who knows
somebody etc. that uses (or knows of) such, I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT !!!
|"Input!"|"Number 5 is Alive!!"|"Beautiful software"|"Not disassemble!!"
Will Edgington|Computing and Information Resources, University of Denver
(303) 871-2081|BusAd 469, 2020 S. Race, Denver CO 80210 (work)|"Input!!"
(303) 759-9071|5001 E. Iliff, Denver CO 80222 (home)|"Where's Input?!!?"
COMING SOON: wedgingt@eos.cair.du.edu, wedgingt@eos.BITNET ( == udenva )

jte@psuvax1.UUCP (Jon Eckhardt) (08/26/86)

In article <1863@udenva.UUCP> wedgingt@udenva.UUCP (Will Edgington/Ejeo) writes:
>  Does *ANYONE* out there know *ANYTHING* about BITNET software
>for Unix ??  All I've been able to find out from all other sources
>(including BITNET sites running VMS) is that there's a package
>called "UREP" that was apparently written by David Eckhardt (sp?)
>at Pennsylvania State University and that there are two other

If you wish to get a copy of UREP Contact Dave Eckhardt at



(814) 865-9723.

This is probably the Best and most used way for UNIX machines to 
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Jon Eckhardt                  |       jte@psuvaxg.BITNET
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State College, PA  16801      |       {...}!psuvax1!gondor!cindy!jte

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