[comp.sys.amiga] Modem Buffer problem?

markr@garfield.UUCP (06/17/87)

 I am running a local BBS on an Amiga. I and a friend made the
software. We find that are inputs are not keeping up with 1200
baud. If you send us aloto fo text at 1200 baud are SYSTEM LOCKS UP!
And we have to reboot! (Ctrl-C will not help!) For modem inputs
we are using something like this... IF LOC(1) THEN i$=INKEY$(1,1).
Now we have noticed that if you do alot of PRINT# to the modem
one after the other this as well will lock up the computer.. 
We are using a open com1 just like the demo terminal in Extras 1.2.
This is a major problem and we need your help!!! 
P.S. Who ever made that #$%^&* dumb "end if" problem in BASIC I 
WANT YOU DEAD! (If you type space after an end if it will cause an
        Anyway HELP!!
       Joseph Dawson