[comp.sys.amiga] Effects of mouse movements

john13@garfield.UUCP (06/25/87)

I know that controlling the mouse pointer takes up relatively little
processor time. However, I didn't know that moving it around could actually
speed up my Amiga!

If you have a hung task or just a background process hogging the processor,
and are running the aztec 3.40 linker (which prints out all the symbols it
resolves as it does them), the symbol names are printed fairly slowly, so
that you can read them all with no problem. If you now start moving the
mouse around, the linking will speed up substantially, with the symbols
being printed at double the slow speed or more. Strange but true! (I don't
know if this is a peculiarity of that one program or is common to all tasks
that aren't getting as much attention as they want).
