[comp.sys.amiga] HELP!! Problems linking with C Ltd hard disk.

cg@myrias.UUCP (Chris Gray) (07/02/87)

I dearly want to get a hard disk for my Amiga, but am concerned about it
working with my system (nearly 2 year old Amiga + Comspec AX2000 board).
So, I arranged with a local store to take my system in and try it out with
a hard disk (C Ltd 20 Meg). Here's the results:

- try with my system + AX2000:
	workbench activies, copying lots of stuff from floppies to hard disk
	    worked just fine,
	compile of several hundred line file fails,
	compile smaller file (5 lines) succeeded,
	trying to link the smaller file with BLink 5.7 fails

- try with their system + AX2000: same BLink fails, compiles not tried

- try with their system alone: same BLink fails, compiles not tried,
	trying ALink instead of BLink on same small file fails

In other words, we couldn't get either BLink or ALink to work on the hard
disk. In all cases, the failure was with the hard disk's activity light
on, well into the linking process. The pointer would freeze, and it would
be necessary to reboot and to power cycle the hard disk.

It was only later that I thought to check the age of the system they were
using, but I would imagine it would be a fairly new one (they've gone through
quite a few Amiga 1000's and had a pile of them there, along with a 500 and
a 2000). Another possibility suggested was that one of the two libraries
I was always linking with was copied incorrectly to the hard disk and the
result was crashing both of the linkers. The floppy I copied from is the one
I use for everyday development and I've used those libraries from it since
with no problem.

So, any suggestions as to what could be going wrong? A couple of friends who
were there at the time agree that the symptoms somehow seem to point at the
hard disk driver or drive, but we have no evidence for that.
Chris Gray		Myrias Research, Edmonton	+1 403 432 1616