meltzer@sun.uucp (Sandy Meltzer) (09/14/86)
I recently purchased a used HYPERION portable PC. I was told that it was "highly" compatible with the IBM-PC, but have come across a specific problem. Most "graphic" oriented programs (Flight Simulator, MicroSoft Windows, Trivia, etc.) seem to "hang" the system. The programs load okay, display their initial graphics correctly, and prompt me for input. If I try to respond via the keyboard, it appears "dead". Could these programs be generating a keyboard interrupt? With some programs, the keyboard is completely dead and I have to turn the machine on/off to reboot. With others (like Windows), the keyboard does not respond to anything except a keyboard reboot (ctrl-alt-del). The interrupt "structure" is exactly the same as a standard IBM-PC and runs all other programs just fine. I have tried the "problem" software under DOS versions 1.25, 2.0, 2.1, 2.11 with identical results. I sure would appreciate some feedback about this problem. -- Sanford "Sandy" Meltzer - Sun Microsystems, Inc. UUCP: {ihnp4,decvax,decwrl,seismo}!sun!meltzer ARPA: (or