[comp.sys.amiga] Propgadget-Bug or a feature?

mike@ames.arpa (Mike Smithwick) (08/03/87)


Like Holy Propgadget Batman, I think I've actually discovered a BUG in
1.2!! (are you listening CATS??)

I have a window with 2 propgadgets in it. Right before I open the window
I set the HorizPot value of both gadgets. However when the window opens,
the knobs to both sliders are postioned according to the HorizPot
value in the last gadget in the list. Is this a bug or a feature, or 
have I been staring at my interlaced screen too long. . .

Also, sometime ago, I asked how one goes around dynamically changing
a window from SMART to SIMPLE refresh and back again. I got 3 email
responses, one which said "post your replies, heck, we'd all be interested!"

So, one reply (from a fellow who we shall simply call "Duck" to avoid
embarassment) said, "Well, gee, the system really isn't supposed to permit
that. We were going to right another library called "janus" which would
permit somebody to do that. . ."

My other reply from the Guy in the Cape, said "look in your RKM dummy, under
Layers. . . Try the LAYERSMART/LAYERSIMPLE bit. "

Wellll, HOT DANG, if this didn't work. Thanks Leoooo.

				   *** mike (powered by M&Ms) smithwick ***
"ever felt like life was a game, and 
someone gave you the wrong instruction book?"
[discalimer : nope, I don't work for NASA, I take full blame for my ideas]