[comp.sys.amiga] AmigaDOS question

jack@cca.CCA.COM (Jack Orenstein) (08/03/87)

After getting all the "I love my Amiga" responses to my poll a few weeks ago,
I went down to the local computer store and picked up an A1000 and some PD

I have a question about how AmigaDOS 1.2 locates commands. I copied a bunch of
commands to ram:c and assigned c: to ram:c. Sometimes, a command will
check the disk, and if workbench is not present, ask me to supply it.
If I repeat the command though, the floppy is not consulted. Why is the disk
being checked and how can I avoid it? (This wouldn't be too serious, but
I only have one floppy for now.)


Jack Orenstein

ali@rocky.STANFORD.EDU (Ali Ozer) (08/03/87)

In article <18542@cca.CCA.COM> jack@cca.CCA.COM (Jack Orenstein) writes:
>I have a question about how AmigaDOS 1.2 locates commands. I copied a bunch of
>commands to ram:c and assigned c: to ram:c. Sometimes, a command will
>check the disk, and if workbench is not present, ask me to supply it.
>If I repeat the command though, the floppy is not consulted. Why is the disk
>being checked and how can I avoid it?

Some commands require the use of various disk-based resources, such
as disk based fonts (Topaz 8 and Topaz 9 are the only fonts in ROM),
libraries, device handlers, etc... The system has a nice caching scheme
by which it will cache fonts, libraries, etc, so that when you run the
command again it will not require the disk access. (Unless you are very
short on memory, in which case the system might flush it out in the mean

I imagine in the case of commands in the C: directory, they are probably
looking for libraries rather than fonts. So you might just copy the contents
of libs: over to ram also and assign libs:. If you've got enough
ram, you might want to copy all of l:, libs:, fonts:, and devs:!

While we're on the topic --- Once I heard someone mention the possibility
of keeping the contents of C:, LIBS:, etc in compressed form (in one file)
and uncompress it after copying this single file into VD0: (or RAM: too,
I guess...) Is anybody using this method? Is the savings in disk space
and boot-up time worth it? My Manx and TeX disks could certainly use some
more space!

Ali Ozer, ali@rocky.stanford.edu

bryce@COGSCI.BERKELEY.EDU (Bryce Nesbitt) (08/04/87)

>I have a question about how AmigaDOS 1.2 [CLI] locates commands. I copied a
>bunch of commands to ram:c and assigned c: to ram:c...

Assign redirects *all* of the command searching to ram:.  Better is to use
"path ram:c".  This will search ram:c *first* then, if not found, look
to your old c:.
With this method you copy the most used commands (cd, run, x, list, dir, type)
and leave the rest on disk.  This also saves memory, but you already bought
and extra 2 megs, right? :-) :-) :-)

Another good trick for one disk drive CLI users is to take advantage of the
"?".  For example, to get "info" about a disk, type "info ?", wait, put
the disk in, and then hit <return>.  Since "info" returns information on
the current disk in the drive, the only other possible way to use it would
be to have it copied into ram (as above).

>Jack Orenstein

|\ /|  . Ack! (NAK, EOT, SOH)
{o O} . 
( " )	bryce@cogsci.berkeley.EDU -or- ucbvax!cogsci!bryce
  U	"Success leads to stagnation; stagnation leads to failure."