[comp.sys.amiga] Using additional protection bits

mph@rover.UUCP (Mark Huth) (08/07/87)

I have completed the initial development of a hard disk backup program.  I feel
that there is a need to define an additional bit in the protection field of the
file attributes.  While there is no problem in commandeering a bit and using it
in the program and then writing a utility to set it, I would rather get CA's or
at least this forum's blessing, so as not to interfer with other uses of the
protection field.

The bit that I propose would be set to indicate that the file should not be
backed up.  This, of course, can be done with the archive bit, but the archive
bit has a somewhat different meaning.  The archive bit is cleared upon file
update, and would have to be explicitly set for files that are temporary after
each use.  The "NOBACKUP" bit, one the other hand, would allow one to flag
the T: directory so that any files therein would not be backed up.  Also,
the many PD directories which I keep on my hard disk would all be flagged,
since the copies are backed up on the floppies from whence they came.  By
flagging a directory, the backup program would avoid the search through each
file for protection attributes.  This should greatly speed the process of
backing up a hard drive without the need to write elaborate scripts.  For
lack of a better starting point, I propose to use 0x00000200 (bit 5, the
sixth bit, the one just more significant than the archive bit).

Please respond via email and I will post the consenses.  If CA wishes to
make a decree on this issue, please post to the net.

Thank you,
Mark Huth - I speak for myself

andy@cbmvax.UUCP (Andy Finkel) (08/10/87)

In article <461@rover.UUCP> mph@rover.UUCP (Mark Huth) writes:
>I have completed the initial development of a hard disk backup program.  I feel
>that there is a need to define an additional bit in the protection field of the
>file attributes.  While there is no problem in commandeering a bit and using it
>in the program and then writing a utility to set it, I would rather get CA's or
>at least this forum's blessing, so as not to interfer with other uses of the
>protection field.
Please use one of the bits in the range 24-31 (the top 8).  The others
are reserved, and have destinies in future releases of the operating system.
The top 8 are reserved for application programs.  I'll maintain a list
of which bits which applications use (if people tell me).  I do suggest
that you make the bit user definable, though, in a configuration file,
just in case.

		andy finkel
andy finkel		{ihnp4|seismo|allegra}!cbmvax!andy 
Commodore-Amiga, Inc.

"The goal of Computer Science is to build something that will last at
least until we've finished building it."

Any expressed opinions are mine; but feel free to share.
I disclaim all responsibilities, all shapes, all sizes, all colors.

daveh@cbmvax.UUCP (Dave Haynie) (08/11/87)

in article <461@rover.UUCP>, mph@rover.UUCP (Mark Huth) says:
> Keywords: protection, backup
> The bit that I propose would be set to indicate that the file should not be
> backed up.  ...  The "NOBACKUP" bit, one the other hand, would allow one to
> flag the T: directory so that any files therein would not be backed up.  

Certainly, in the current release of the OS, you could achieve much the same
effect by clearing the read access bit of a file.  The OS itself ignores this
bit, but there's no reason you have to.  It would be reasonable for a 
backup utility to pay attention to this bit anyway, so a file without
read access isn't backed up, and nothing in a directory without read access
is backed up.  The only problem this might cause is if other programs also
pay attention to the setting of this bit and require you to change the 
bit before they'll read it.  I don't know who would be looking at this bit
in that way, as it really is the OS's job to detect the read protect bit
and refuse a program Lock() or Open() access to that file.  If the OS is
upgraded to a state that starts honoring the read protect bit, it may
very well be upgraded to provide a formal don't-archive-me method as well.
I know Andy's gang is making plans for future protection bit designations.
But until then, it's dangerous to start using reserved protection bits.

> Mark Huth - I speak for myself

Dave Haynie     Commodore-Amiga    Usenet: {ihnp4|caip|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh
"The A2000 Guy"                    PLINK : D-DAVE H             BIX   : hazy
     "Catch a wave and you're sittin' on top of the world" -Beach Boys

mph@rover.UUCP (Mark Huth) (08/12/87)

Okay, thanks, Andy.  I hereby state that our backup program will use bit 24
as the NOBACKUP bit.  When set (I'll provide the utitilty) the Jefferson
Enterprises backup program will not include the file (or directory tree) in
the backup list.  Of course, now we need a list that will display this status!

Mark Huth