[comp.sys.amiga] System Requests to ActiveWindow

billk@pnet01.CTS.COM (Bill Kelly) (08/25/87)

(By the way, for those of you who haven't been watching comp.amiga.sources and
comp.amiga.binaries, I released WarpText 2.0 about a month-and-a-half ago. 
WarpText 2.0 is a text routine that is meant to be used in your programs. 
Assembler source code and object code for linking are supplied.  WarpText 2.0
will output text at ~30,000 characters per second.)

Anyway, after being annoyed too many times by System Requests popping up,
shoving the WorkBench screen to front, and then not putting it back, I decided
to see if something could be done about it.  Personally, I wasn't too thrilled
with an existing program which doesn't put up the requesters, but instead acts
as though you hac clicked on Cancel.  (Sometimes I needed to hit Retry!)

I poked around until I discovered the IntuitionBase structure, and then,
after seeing the ib_ActiveWindow field, decided to write "FixReq."

I am posting the source and UUEncoded binary here as it seems (perhaps
incorectly) too small to bother with comp.amiga.sources. 

Following is the assembler source code for FixReq, followed by the UUEncoded

* FixReq.asm -- makes all "System Request" requesters       Bill Kelly
* appear in the current active window.                      08/24/87
* This code is placed into the public domain without any
* guarantees or support of any kind.
* To the best of my knowledge, this program follows all of
* the "rules" for hacking at library vectors and is perfectly
* safe.  However, when you execute it, you are doing so at
* your own risk -- please don't try to sue me if it malfunctions!
* With that said, here's what it's doing:
* Every time the Intuition library AutoRequest() function is
* called, FixReq replaces the Window pointer supplied to
* AutoRequest() with a pointer to the currently active window.
* The result: All of the "System Request" requesters will conveniently
* pop up right in front of you instead of bringing the WorkBench
* Screen to front and not putting it back.  I find it kinda handy... :-)

LibVersion          equ     31              ; 1.1 should work fine.
_LVOOpenLibrary     equ     -($228)
_LVOCloseLibrary    equ     -($19e)
_LVOAllocMem        equ     -($0c6)
_LVOSetFunction     equ     -($1a4)
_LVOAutoRequest     equ     -($15c)
ib_ActiveWindow     equ     52              ; from intuition/intuiBase.i

            lea     newreq(pc),a0
            lea     newreqEnd(pc),a1
            suba.l  a0,a1                   ; find size of newreq routine
            move.l  a1,_newreqSize          ; save for later

            move.l  $4,a6                   ; get execbase

            move.l  _newreqSize,d0          ; bytesize
            moveq   #0,d1                   ; requirements
            jsr     _LVOAllocMem(a6)
            move.l  d0,_newreqAddr          ; save address
            beq.s   error                   ; wow, you are **low** on RAM!

            lea     _IntuiName(pc),a1       ; need to get intuiBase
            move.l  #LibVersion,d0
            jsr     _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
            move.l  d0,_IntuiBase           ; save intuibase for newreq
            beq.s   error                   ; ..huh? where's intuition???

            move.l  _IntuiBase,a0
            adda.l  #_LVOAutoRequest+2,a0   ; ptr to addr of prev. AutoReq
            move.l  (a0),_oldreq            ; save addr of previous AutoReq

            lea     newreq(pc),a0
            move.l  _newreqAddr,a1
            move.l  _newreqSize,d0
            subq.l  #1,d0
newreqCopy: move.b  (a0)+,(a1)+             ; copy the code
            dbf     d0,newreqCopy

            move.l  _IntuiBase,a1           ; library
            move.l  #_LVOAutoRequest,a0     ; funcOffset
            move.l  _newreqAddr,d0          ; funcEntry
            jsr     _LVOSetFunction(a6)

            moveq   #0,d0                   ; no errors
            rts                             ; exit without error

error:      moveq   #20,d0                  ; no RAM or no intuiBase
            rts                             ; exit with FAIL errorcode

newreq:     move.l  _IntuiBase(pc),a0
            move.l  ib_ActiveWindow(a0),a0  ; get addr of active window
            move.l  _oldreq(pc),-(sp)       ; push prev AutoReq addr
            rts                             ; and return to it
_IntuiBase: ds.l    1                       ; space for intuibase
_oldreq:    ds.l    1                       ; space for addr of oldreq
newreqEnd:                                  ; used to find newreq size

    CNOP    0,4

_newreqSize ds.l    1
_newreqAddr ds.l    1

    CNOP    0,4

_IntuiName  dc.b    'intuition.library',0,0


================================End FixREq.asm==============================

begin 777 FixReq
================================End FixReq.uue==============================


Bill Kelly,     {ihnp4, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax}!crash!pnet01!billk
DevWare Inc.    (Don't use pnet01!billk; try crash!pnet01!billk -- Thanks!)

                Well, does your {atari, IBM, apple} do a 
 "SwapBitsRastBlitCopListClipLockRectFreeSetPrefsROMWackColdReset()" ???
                Neither does my Amiga.  But it *could*!!! :-)