[comp.sys.amiga] Asyncronous IO module

dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP (08/27/87)

	Here is a little asyncronous READ/WRITE package I put together
a couple weeks ago.  You can do both asyncronous READS (It tells DOS to
start filling the buffer before you request the data), or WRITES (It 
doesn't usually block when you do a WRITE).  This is usefull for programs 
which need to process the data a bit while reading (ARC for instance), or for
programs which do not want to wait for a disk write (modem transfer

	You will notice the lack of a seek, and the fact you can't do both
asyncronous reads and asyncronous writes to the same XFIO handle (Effectively
read only or write only).  In almost every case, a person wanting to do
asyncronous IO would not also require the use of a seek.  Besides, it would
have doubled the code size.


 *  XFIO.C
 *  PUBLIC DOMAIN.  By Matthew Dillon.	No Copyright held.  Compile using
 *  LONG integers (+L option).	Lattice users: I haven't checked to see
 *  if compiles with lattice.  Note that I use the VOID * construct which
 *  in Aztec means 'pointer to anything'.
 *  Simple File IO with asyncronous READ and WRITE capability.
 *  Perfect for protocol transfer applications
 *  NOTE: Since AmigaDOS's Open() is used, and STDIO is NOT used, the
 *  XFIO files will not automatically be closed by the automatic
 *  break-check/exit() routines.  This means you must check for ^C yourself
 *  and close the file before exiting.
 *  xfi = xfopen(name, modes, bufsize)	("r", "w", "w+")
 *   n	= xfread(xfi, buf, bytes)   ASYNCRONOUS READ
 *  err = xfwrite(xfi, buf, bytes)  ASYNCRONOUS WRITE
 *  err = xfclose(xfi)
 *  RESTRICTIONS:   NO seeking.  You can do one of xfread() or xfwrite()
 *  for a given open XFIle handle (not both).
 *  xfwrite() returns a cumulative error (once an error occurs, it will not
 *  do any more writes).  xfclose() returns the cumulative write error
 *  (since the last write may have been asyncronous and thus the error
 *  unknown at the time).
 *  Two buffers are created each bufsize/2 bytes in size.  for writing,
 *  one buffers is sent asyncronously while the other fills.  For reading,
 *  one buffer is filling while the other is being read.
 *  Note:  If you are implementing a Copy command using these calls,
 *  note that you should only do so between different devices.	Copying
 *  files between the same device usually results in the disk seeking a
 *  lot due to the braindamaged way DOS works.

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/exec.h>
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>

#define XFI	    struct _XFI
#define XFBUF	    struct _XFBUF
#define MSGPORT     struct MsgPort
#define FH	    struct FileHandle
#define STDPKT	    struct StandardPacket

    long   bufsize;
    long   idx;
    long   max;
    char    buf[4];	/*  actually bufsize bytes long */

    char    ro; 	/*  read only, else write only	*/
    char    pend;	/*  packet pending		*/
    char    err;	/*  cumulative error		*/
    char    reserved;
    XFBUF   *asbuf;
    XFBUF   *usbuf;
    FH	    *fh;
    STDPKT  sp; 	/*  asyncronous message 	*/
    MSGPORT rp; 	/*  reply port for pending pkts */

extern FH *Open();
extern void *malloc(), *FindTask();

void *
xfopen(file, mode, bytes)
char *file;
char *mode;
    register XFI *xfi = malloc(sizeof(XFI));
    register long nbytes = bytes >> 1;
    int ap = 0;

    bzero(xfi, sizeof(XFI));
    if (mode[0] == 'w') {
	if (mode[1] == '+') {
	    ap = 1;
	    if ((xfi->fh = Open(file, 1005)) == NULL)
		xfi->fh = Open(file, 1006);
	    goto ok;
	xfi->fh = Open(file, 1006);
	goto ok;
    xfi->fh = Open(file, 1005);
    if (xfi->fh) {
	if (ap)
	    Seek(xfi->fh, 0, 1);
	xfi->fh = (FH *)((long)xfi->fh << 2);
	xfi->asbuf = malloc(sizeof(XFBUF) + nbytes);	/* a little more    */
	xfi->usbuf = malloc(sizeof(XFBUF) + nbytes);	/* then we need     */
	bzero(xfi->asbuf, sizeof(XFBUF));
	bzero(xfi->usbuf, sizeof(XFBUF));
	xfi->ro = (mode[0] == 'r');
	xfi->asbuf->bufsize = xfi->usbuf->bufsize = nbytes;
	xfi->rp.mp_Node.ln_Type = NT_MSGPORT;
	xfi->rp.mp_Node.ln_Name = "XFIO-Async";
	xfi->rp.mp_Flags = PA_SIGNAL;
	xfi->rp.mp_SigBit = AllocSignal(-1);
	xfi->rp.mp_SigTask = FindTask(NULL);
	if (xfi->ro)
	    xfstartasync(xfi, ACTION_READ);
    } else {
	xfi = NULL;

register XFI *xfi;
    int err = 1;
    if (xfi) {
	if (xfi->pend) {
	    xfi->pend = 0;
	    WaitPort (&xfi->rp);
	    GetMsg   (&xfi->rp);
	if (!xfi->ro && xfi->usbuf->idx)
	    Write((long)xfi->fh >> 2, xfi->usbuf->buf, xfi->usbuf->idx);
	err = xfi->err;
	Close((long)xfi->fh >> 2);

xfread(xfi, buf, n)
XFI *xfi;
char *buf;
    register XFBUF *usbuf = xfi->usbuf;
    register int orig = n;
    register int diff;

    if (!xfi->ro)
    while ((diff = usbuf->max - usbuf->idx) < n) {
	movmem(usbuf->buf + usbuf->idx, buf, diff);	/* copy entire buf */
	buf += diff;
	n -= diff;
	if (xfi->pend == 0) {
	    xfi->usbuf->idx = xfi->usbuf->max;
	    return(orig - n);
	WaitPort (&xfi->rp);
	GetMsg	 (&xfi->rp);
	xfi->pend = 0;
	if (xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Res1 <= 0) {		/* EOF	    */
	    xfi->usbuf->idx = xfi->usbuf->max;
	    return(orig - n);
	xfi->asbuf->max = xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Res1;
	xfi->asbuf->idx = 0;
	usbuf = xfi->asbuf;				/* swap bufs*/
	xfi->asbuf = xfi->usbuf;
	xfi->usbuf = usbuf;
	xfstartasync(xfi, ACTION_READ); 		/* new async*/
    movmem(usbuf->buf + usbuf->idx, buf, n);
    usbuf->idx += n;

xfwrite(xfi, buf, n)
XFI *xfi;
char *buf;
    register XFBUF *usbuf = xfi->usbuf;
    register int diff;

    if (xfi->ro || xfi->err)
    while ((diff = usbuf->bufsize - usbuf->idx) < n) {
	movmem(buf, usbuf->buf + usbuf->idx, diff);	/*  copy buf	*/
	buf += diff;
	n -= diff;
	if (xfi->pend) {
	    GetMsg  (&xfi->rp);
	    xfi->pend = 0;
	    if (xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Res1 != xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Arg3) {
		xfi->err = 1;
	usbuf = xfi->asbuf;
	xfi->asbuf = xfi->usbuf;
	xfi->usbuf = usbuf;
	usbuf->idx = 0;
	xfstartasync(xfi, ACTION_WRITE);
    movmem(buf, usbuf->buf + usbuf->idx, n);
    usbuf->idx += n;

xfstartasync(xfi, action)
register XFI *xfi;
    xfi->sp.sp_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Name = (char *)&(xfi->sp.sp_Pkt);
    xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Link = &(xfi->sp.sp_Msg);
    xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Port = &xfi->rp;
    xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Type = action;
    xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Arg1 = xfi->fh->fh_Arg1;
    xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Arg2 = (long)xfi->asbuf->buf;
    xfi->sp.sp_Pkt.dp_Arg3 = xfi->asbuf->bufsize;
    PutMsg (xfi->fh->fh_Type, &xfi->sp);
    xfi->pend = 1;