[comp.sys.amiga] blackout.c

mwm@violet.berkeley.edu.UUCP (09/02/87)

This is a throwaway from a year ago. I never did much with it, but
recently needed part of it. I decided someone might be able to put it
to good use, or be inspired (huh?) by it.


1) There are better ways to do many of the things I do here. I ain't
gonna fix it.

2) I tweaked it mildly just before posting it. It ought to work, but
there may be some oddness near the edges.

3) What I would like to see is this, my menu-bar clock/free memory
monitor and popcli integrated. There's enough shared functionality to
make it reasonable. If you wanna try, please e-mail me for the latest
version of said menu-bar clock/fmm.

4) No shar. Don't forget the signature line.

 * blackout - just black the screen out, and put and draw something that
 *	moves to show that we're up. It has to move so as not to mangle
 *	the phospher in one spot.
 * Copyright (c) 1986, Mike Meyer
 * Permission is hereby granted to distribute this program for any purposes
 * whatsoever, so long as this notice, including the above copyright, is
 * included with the distribution. Unlike other people, I don't care if you
 * make money off of this, so long as I get credit for having written it.
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#include <devices/timer.h>
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>

#include <stdio.h>
 * Configuration defines:
 *	INTENSITY is a number between 0 and 15, 0 being black, 15 being
 *	white.
 *	WAIT-TIME controls the speed the picture moves at.
 *	It's the number of seconds to wait between moves. If you've got
 *	the clock picture, it's also the update frequency of the clock.

#define INTENSITY	15
#define WAIT_TIME	1

struct NewScreen New_Screen = {
	0, 0,			/* Top left corner */
	640, 200,		/* Full hires, interlaced screen */
	1,			/* Only need two colors */
	0, 1,			/* Standard pens */
	HIRES,			/* Didn't I tell you that? */
	CUSTOMSCREEN,		/* Of course! */
	(struct TextAttr *) NULL,
	(struct Gadget *) NULL,
	(struct BitMap *) NULL
	} ;

static struct NewWindow	New_Window = {
	0, 0,			/* Start in the upper left */
	640, 200,		/* and cover the whole screen */
	-1, -1,			/* Default pens */
	MOUSEBUTTONS,		/* Catching both buttons to restart */
	BORDERLESS | ACTIVATE	/* A window that gets it all */
	(struct Gadget *) NULL,
	(struct Image *) NULL,
	"",			/* Empty title */
	(struct Screen *) NULL,	/* Filled in later */
	(struct BitMap *) NULL,
	0, 0, 0, 0,		/* no change sizes, doesn't matter */
	CUSTOMSCREEN,		/* Natch! */
	} ;

static char	Date_Buffer[11] ;	/* Now you know where the time goes! */

static struct IntuiText	Date_Text = {
	1, 0,				/* Use the standard pen colors */
	JAM2,				/* Use both of them */
	29, 1,				/* in the upper left-hand corner */
	(struct TextAttr *) NULL,	/* Use default text */
	Date_Buffer,			/* Buffer for time */
	(struct IntuiText *) NULL	/* All of text */
	} ;

static UWORD My_Pointer[8] ;

#define GRAPHICS_REV	1

struct IntuitionBase	*IntuitionBase = NULL ;
struct GfxBase		*GfxBase = NULL ;
struct Screen		*My_Screen = NULL, *OpenScreen() ;
struct Window		*My_Window = NULL, *OpenWindow() ;
struct timerequest	Time_Req ;
struct MsgPort		*Timer_Port = NULL, *CreatePort() ;
short			cli = FALSE ;

void	done(int, char *) ;

main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv; {
	register short		hours, minutes, seconds ;
	register short		x_delta = 0, y_delta = 0, x_where, y_where ;
	UWORD			Color_Map[2] ;
	register char		*buffer = Date_Buffer ;
	struct DateStamp	now ;
	struct IntuiMessage	*Msg, *GetMsg() ;

	cli = argc != 0 ;

	if ((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
		OpenLibrary("intuition.library", INTUITION_REV)) == NULL)
		done(20, "Can't open intuition library") ;

	if ((GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *) OpenLibrary("graphics.library",
		done(20, "Can't open open graphics library") ;

	if ((My_Screen = OpenScreen(&New_Screen)) == NULL)
		done(20, "Can't open screen") ;

	New_Window . Screen = My_Screen ;
	if ((My_Window = OpenWindow(&New_Window)) == NULL)
		done(20, "Can't open window") ;

	if ((Timer_Port = CreatePort("Timer Port", 0)) == NULL)
		done(20, "Can't create timer port") ;
	if (OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, UNIT_VBLANK, (char *) &Time_Req, 0) != NULL)
		done(20, "Can't open timer device") ;
	Time_Req . tr_node . io_Message . mn_ReplyPort = Timer_Port ;
	Time_Req . tr_node . io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST ;
	Time_Req . tr_node . io_Flags = Time_Req . tr_node . io_Error = 0 ;

	/* Black out the screen */
	Color_Map[0] = 0 ;	/* BLACKEST BLACK for the background */
	Color_Map[1] = (INTENSITY << 8) | (INTENSITY << 4) | INTENSITY ;
	LoadRGB4(&(My_Screen -> ViewPort), Color_Map, 2) ;
	ShowTitle(My_Screen, FALSE) ;
	SetPointer(My_Window, My_Pointer, 2, 2, 1, 1) ;
	SetRast(My_Window -> RPort, 0) ;

	DateStamp(&now) ;
	srand(now . ds_Tick) ;
	minutes = 0 ;		/* Used to trigger first setting of deltas */
	x_where = 310 ;
	y_where = 95 ;

	buffer[3] = buffer[6] = ':' ;
	buffer[0] = buffer[9] = ' ' ;

	for (;;) {
		if (minutes == 0) {
			while (x_delta == 0)
				x_delta = (rand() >> 4) % 13 - 6 ;
			while (y_delta == 0)
				y_delta = (rand() >> 4) % 9 - 4 ;
		DateStamp(&now) ;
		hours = now . ds_Minute / 60 ;
		minutes = now . ds_Minute % 60 ;
		seconds = now . ds_Tick / TICKS_PER_SECOND ;
		buffer[1] = hours / 10 + '0' ;
		if (buffer[1] == '0') buffer[1] = ' ' ;
		buffer[2] = hours % 10 + '0' ;
		buffer[4] = minutes / 10 + '0' ;
		buffer[5] = minutes % 10 + '0' ;
		buffer[7] = seconds / 10 + '0' ;
		buffer[8] = seconds % 10 + '0' ;
		SetRast(My_Window -> RPort, 0) ;
		PrintIText(My_Window -> RPort, &Date_Text, x_where, y_where) ;

		Time_Req . tr_time . tv_secs = WAIT_TIME ;
		Time_Req . tr_time . tv_micro = 0 ;
		SendIO((char *) &Time_Req . tr_node) ;

		Wait(1 << My_Window -> UserPort -> mp_SigBit
		   | 1 << Timer_Port -> mp_SigBit) ;

		if (Msg = GetMsg(My_Window -> UserPort)) {
			ReplyMsg(Msg) ;
			done(0, "exit") ;

		(void) GetMsg(Timer_Port) ;

		/* Now, move the window */
		if (x_where + x_delta > 620
		 || x_where + x_delta < 0) x_delta = -x_delta ;
		if (y_where + y_delta > 390
		 || y_where + y_delta < 0) y_delta = -y_delta ;
		x_where += x_delta ;
		y_where += y_delta ;
	done(20, "Dropped out of forever loop") ;
 * done - close things, and then exit.
done(how, why) int how; char *why; {

	AbortIO((char *) &Time_Req . tr_node) ;
	if (Time_Req . tr_node . io_Message . mn_ReplyPort != NULL)
		CloseDevice(&Time_Req) ;
	if (Timer_Port != NULL) DeletePort(Timer_Port) ;
	if (My_Window != NULL) CloseWindow(My_Window) ;
	if (My_Screen != NULL) CloseScreen(My_Screen) ;
	if (GfxBase != NULL) CloseLibrary(GfxBase) ;
	if (IntuitionBase != NULL) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase) ;
	(void) OpenWorkBench() ;

	if (cli) printf("blackout: %s\n", why) ;
	exit(how) ;
Take a magic carpet to the olden days			Mike Meyer
To a mythical land where everybody lays			mwm@berkeley.edu
Around in the clouds in a happy daze			ucbvax!mwm
In Kizmiaz ... Kizmiaz					mwm@ucbjade.BITNET

mwm@eris.BERKELEY.EDU (Mike (My watch has windows) Meyer) (09/02/87)

In article <4960@jade.BERKELEY.EDU> I wrote:
<2) I tweaked it mildly just before posting it. It ought to work, but
<there may be some oddness near the edges.

Naturally, one of those bit me.

Also, want to add:

5) I don't think this is worth filling space in a source archive. If a
moderator somewhere feels different, feel free to make it do so.

Now, on to the important part. The marked lines should change

		/* Now, move the window */
		if (x_where + x_delta > 620
		 || x_where + x_delta < 0) x_delta = -x_delta ;
!		if (y_where + y_delta > 390
		 || y_where + y_delta < 0) y_delta = -y_delta ;


		if (y_where + y_delta > 190


P.S. - I want to take this chance to congratulate Leo on "The dream
goes berserk," since no one else has done so here yet! Nice job, Leo.
ICUROK2C, ICUROK2.				Mike Meyer
ICUROK2C, ICWR2.				mwm@berkeley.edu
URAQT, I WANT U2.				ucbvax!mwm
OO2EZ, I WANT U2.				mwm@ucbjade.BITNET