[comp.sys.amiga] International publisher wanted

gary@eddie.MIT.EDU (Gary Samad) (09/03/87)

[Eat thi

If any of you are, or if you know of any international software publishers
please drop me a line.

Specifically, I'm interested in a company that will translate my commercial
program into several other languages (German, French, etc.) and publish it
in other countries around the world.  By publish I mean probably manufacture
the product (although this is negotiable) and distribute it.

Previous expreience is required.


	Gary Samad

	Software Visions, Inc.
	26 Forest Road
	Framingham, MA   01701

	(617) 877-1266


lauren@cbmvax.UUCP (Lauren Brown CATS) (09/04/87)


In the current addition of AmigaMail (July/August) there is a listing of
international distributors, as well as an article by Gail Wellington with 
some guidelines to follow on International distribution.

The list should be used as a starting point in finding an international
publisher.  The most important consideration is to find a company you will
feel comfortable with.


Lauren Brown      -- CBM   >>Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra,caip,ihnp4,seismo}!cbmvax!lauren 
                     PHONE 215-431-9100