[comp.sys.amiga] AT bridge card

ralph@mit-atrp.UUCP (Amiga-Man) (09/01/87)

Anybody know when an AT bridge card will be available for the Amiga 2000 ?

I know of a very large Boston area company that might be able to use
Amiga 2000's with AT bridge cards to do real time data aquisition via
the bridge card, and high powered user interface and graphics using
the Amiga side at the same time.

It seems the PC bus in the A2000 make that machine (with bridge card)
a sort of optimal setup for using the plethora of PC bus fancy I/O cards
all over the place. And then you get to do all the fun and important stuff
of the Amiga side.

I'm hoping C= has one soon, or at least some third party vendor is making one.
I'll even settle for rumors at this point. The last thing I know was that
I saw one at the big splash C= threw at the Boston Computer Society General
Meeting where they introduced the A2000.


higgin@cbmvax.UUCP (Paul Higginbottom SALES) (09/02/87)

in article <1500@mit-amt.MEDIA.MIT.EDU>, ralph@mit-atrp.UUCP (Amiga-Man) says:
> Anybody know when an AT bridge card will be available for the Amiga 2000 ?
> ...
> Ralph

I cannot give you an availability date, except to say that we recognize
the importance of the board given that PC sales these days are mainly
286 and 386, and that we have demonstrated fully functional prototypes
at BCS and Comdex.  Since we have only JUST begun shipping the A2000
and XT Bridgeboard, you could expect at least a three month delay before
seeing an AT Bridgeboard.  And yes, the AT Bridgeboard will have the high
density floppy (1.2 Mb which can still read the 360K format).


feb@cblpe.ATT.COM (Franco Barber) (09/03/87)

In article <2289@cbmvax.UUCP> higgin@cbmvax.UUCP (Paul Higginbottom SALES) writes:
>		And yes, the AT Bridgeboard will have the high
>density floppy (1.2 Mb which can still read the 360K format).

>	Paul.

Will one be able to drop a 386 adapter board in place of the 286
(I am thinking of the Cheetah 386 board reviewed a couple months ago
in Byte.)
Franco Barber    AT&T Bell Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio 
..!cbosgd!cblpf!cblpe!feb                (614) 860-7803

higgin@cbmvax.UUCP (Paul Higginbottom SALES) (09/04/87)

In article <2289@cbmvax.UUCP> *I* wrote:
>>And yes, the AT Bridgeboard will have the high
>>density floppy (1.2 Mb which can still read the 360K format).

In article <629@cblpe.ATT.COM>, feb@cblpe.ATT.COM (Franco Barber) says:
> Will one be able to drop a 386 adapter board in place of the 286
> (I am thinking of the Cheetah 386 board reviewed a couple months ago
> in Byte.)
> Franco Barber    AT&T Bell Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio 
> ..!cbosgd!cblpf!cblpe!feb                (614) 860-7803

I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to this, yet.  I will know when our
QA guys have finished their testing.
