[comp.sys.amiga] A sample startup file for amiga slip

rminnich@udel.EDU (Ron Minnich) (09/08/87)

Per a few requests i am posting a simple 'bootstrap' net-sequence
that can get you on the air with amigatcp. Note that this is real
simple, and there is a lot more you can do.
Here goes.
Comments start with a '#' in column 1, as usual.
# This actually sets up a loggin window. Neat!
log raw:20/20/500/150/TCP-IP_Logging_Output
#my host name
hostname RONSAMIGA
#my ip address
#various TCP/IP constants
window 512
mss 256
ttl 15
# be sure that you say 'slip', not 'ax25'
attach asy 0 0 slip sl0 256 256 9600
#the ip address of the host i am attached to.
route add default sl0
#i am not sure how to use this line yet.
#arp add ax25 wb6rqn w3iwi-10
start echo
start discard
start telnet
start smtp
start ftp

And there you are ... running echo, discard, telnet, smtp, and ftp
servers. To talk to my host i can type
You can also set host names in this file, but like i say
this is the bare bones. 
Have fun,
Ron Minnich